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2019-07-12 23:07:42 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


一篇文章出现在一个朋友圈中,是否可以在很大范围内共享和复制受到多种因素的影响。当然,最重要的一点是文章本身具有价值,允许读者有与朋友分享的愿望。关于这一点,我不会详细介绍。我将介绍两个可以提高文章共享率的技巧。它也可以被视为读者的心理指导技术。首先,您需要知道如何设置软指南。1-1Q00QZ4191a.png“软”相对于硬广告的“硬”。 “柔软”注意棉花中未暴露的针头,追求春雨和湿润的传播效果。例如,在指导语言中,“欢迎转载,请注明出处。”这种方法看似简单,但效果显着。需要引导人们。如果没有这样的段落,很多人都不会想到这一点。如果没有迹象表明可以复制本文,很多人会考虑重印后出现的版权问题。在心理层面,这种行为是一个指导。设置指令后,每个人都会无意识地执行它,然后执行下一条指令。例如,如果有人每天都对你说,请关闭门,ERP系统


It is easy for you to get into the habit. The survey found that the number of articles with the words "reprinted" was shared ten times to a hundred times compared with the number of ordinary articles. Roughly estimated, if the original reload amount of the article is 100 times, the reload amount may exceed 500 times, and the flow after the increase is traffic. The article can form a search source and spread virally. If you have the heart, it is not difficult to find that any free e-book we have at hand has such an institution. Similar to "reading this article with XX seconds, sharing only takes 1 second" "Reprint is a kind of wisdom, sharing is a virtue." There are many guides on 微信. All in all, you only need to explicitly tell the reader, "Welcome to share and reprint", "Please share with your best friend", "Welcome to recommend to friends circle", such a simple instruction, they will often execute. By extension, if you can give readers some benefits on the basis of the guide language, such as "recommended five friends to get XX surprises", "recommended to friends circle can receive free gifts", you can increase the effectiveness of the promotion several times. The general psychology is to know that sharing is profitable. After sharing, you can get some rewards, and you are more willing to complete this instruction. Even in the future, you will form the inertia of "If you don't have a gift, I will not share it." Therefore, it is necessary to set a incentive for the soft guide of the article. It can be a kind of gift, which can be a free course or an electronic one.In general, the cost is allowed to the user. Come to some benefits, you can attract users to be willing to recommend to his friends, so as to simply get the true and accurate "target customer base" in the user circle. For example, share some of the contents of《从零开始学:微信运营与营销一本通》to fans, emphasizing that you need to get the full text "please copy the text and pictures to the circle of friends, and send the screenshot to 微信 public account XXX". Why share the article with the user, because I hope that the user can benefit, and also hope that the user can share it with their friends, form a user referral, and benefit everyone.xx 《从零开始学:微信运营与营销-本通》的全文是设置的动机,“请将文本和图片复制到朋友圈,并将截图发送到微信公共帐号X XX”是启动命令。要清楚地告诉用户获得礼物,只需执行简单的共享操作即可。之后,信息通过用户频道传播,并且总有新用户注意接收礼物。除了开始共享电子书之外,没有重复的成本,并且可以获得大量精确的活粉。其次,我们必须知道如何使用微信公共平台的共享功能来进行推荐系统的硬设置。虽然微信公共平台提供共享和重新打印的功能,但如果没有引导,它基本相同。应该注意的是,这些功能按钮只能吸引用户的注意力,并通过组合相应的软指导词来实现完美的结果。例如,“一键分享礼物”,“阅读原始文字礼品”,“长按图片接收礼品”,“欢迎点击并分享给朋友圈”等。此外,基于公共平台微信的“微观分布”是一个日益成熟的三层分销商城模式。产品制造商或品牌公司在企业微信公共号码上部署自己的微型分销商城。品牌的经销商或企业员工可以基于企业的微分销商场生成自己的二级分销商城。或者经销商的客户可以基于二级分销商场生成三级分销商城。零成本和一般员工的企业形式是微观分销的魅力。在微信上这种模式最常见的情况是在朋友圈中活动的“掩码代理”。通过简单的系统设置,客户成为经销商,产品“飞翔”。要增加文章的传输和共享,您可以从这个模型中学习。只要用户分享文章,给他们?相应的好处。当整个沟通过程变得有利可图时,文章就不会“飞”。


