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How micro-distribution makes brand-name business burst red

2019-07-12 23:08:29 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Everyone wants Weishang to stay away from the circle of friends, while SOIREE is a three-level distribution model that is popular among friends. How does the 微信 three-level distribution platform system do it? Demystifying the success of the little black dress to join the micro-distribution platform, how does it work?

Everyone wants to move away from the circle of friends, while the SOIREE luxury black dress is relying on the three-level distribution model to redeem the circle of friends.微信三级分销平台How is the system done? Demystifying the success of the little black dress to join the micro-distribution platform, how does it work? According to the brand, the luxury black dress plans to expand the team and speed up the new research and development. In the future, the small black dress will launch 30 to 50 new products every month. The long-term sales will only retain the classic models. The brand is frank, small. Black dresses are not only good-looking, but the most important thing is practicality, otherwise it will not attract consumers. There are many designers of small black skirts who are cross-border designers, because these cross-border designers in all walks of life understand the needs of users, and combine practicality and fashion design concepts to best meet consumer demand.



1. Purchase and Promotion Only need to successfully buy a small black dress, the system will automatically generate a personal QR code, you can become a distributor of small black dress.

2. Share the reward:微分销Distributor-level distributor: Share the QR code Consumer purchase is directly awarded 20% of the product value of the secondary distributor: Share the QR code consumption purchase directly to get the product value 13% Reward Level 3 Distributor: Share QR Code Consumers get a reward of 7% of the product value directly

3. No need to purchase goods, no need to stock up, no worries. Moving your finger can not only promote the culture of the little black skirt, but also get rich rewards.


xx 1.人才有资源:我知道粉丝都是黑色礼服“黑色豪华俱乐部”粉丝沈阳软件公司










3)采用“DC + O2O +移动互联网+小黑裙文化”的创新分销模式,直接从服装厂到消费者,保存中间环节,让30%给予消费者,采取差异化的退税政策,受益终身,让消费者和操作者互相受益!在移动互联网时代,每个人都是一个沟通者,无论是作为消费者还是卖家,因为每个人都是沟通的源泉!移动互联网+小黑裙文化,时尚与经典的结合,融合了都市步伐与优雅生活。

三 、微分销前景

自其出现以来,微信分销模式吸引了大量的微型企业和企业业务。 微信分发系统已将传统的电子商务在线商店系统移植到微信端,具有巨大的在线商店管理和营销功能。它不仅简单轻便地开展移动电子商务营销活动,而且还可以解决离线和在线互通的问题。分调试的方式是让源问题不再令人担忧,销售不再是问题。


