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2019-07-10 10:19:19 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发





Development costs, but how to pay for this fee is skillful. Unlike other projects, the APP development project is based on the progress schedule of the project and cannot be paid in one lump sum. This payment method is also to ensure better cooperation between each other. 2. When the intellectual property rights APP is outsourced to the development company, the intellectual property rights after the APP development should be clarified on the contract. The contract of the APP软件开发 should be clarified, and the confidentiality obligations of the two parties should be clarified, and the materials should be destroyed or returned. In order to avoid the outflow of trade secrets. 3, clear product operating environment Although the current APP development generally chooses Android system and Apple system, but different enterprise customer group positioning is different, it is also possible to develop windows system, and different versions of different systems wisdom education APP软件开发 is not the same difficulty, the manpower required There is a gap with time, so it must be clear before development. 4, confirm the development start date in advance Generally speaking, the wisdom education APP软件开发 cycle will be specified in the contract, but some unprofessional outsourcing development companies sometimes miss, sometimes even the outsourcing development company notes the customer I didn't see it, so I thought that signing the contract means that I have already started work, but the fact is not like this. I asked to avoid misunderstanding, so it is recommended to confirm the development start date in advance. 5. Investigate the professionalism of the outsourcing development company In order to guarantee the product quality of the smart education APP软件, the enterprise can first examine the professionalism of the outsourcing development company from various channels before the formal sharing.xx


