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Used car APP development provides one-stop car sales solution

2019-07-10 10:34:03 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the past two years, second-hand car sales have been far ahead, and the domestic used car market has also ushered in a new spring. The development of used car APP can not only meet the needs of increasingly expanding users, but also help companies to develop one-stop car sales solutions. It is convenient for users to purchase a car.


The core function of second-hand car APP development: 1. LBS positioning: Users want to know which area of used car information can be directly located through LBS, and then the system will recommend specific information. 2. Input search: On the used car APP软件, users can search for the used car information they want by inputting the model, car number, price and other keywords. 3. Valuation function: If the user makes a meaningful price for the used car, then the price assessment can be carried out through the estimated service of the used car platform to confirm whether it is worth buying. 4. Make an appointment to see the car: Users can find their favorite models by searching or sorting, and can directly make an appointment to watch the car through online communication. 5, personal/merchant selling cars: individuals can put the car on the platform for sale, while second-hand car merchants can stay on the platform to sell used cars; 6, smart recommendation: used car APP软件 will judge the user's interest according to the user's daily browsing data Used car information, then preferred to the user. 7, car information: used car APP软件 will update the latest car information in the industry from time to time, let users know about the used car market app development


xx。 8,购买汽车贷款:该平台可以与银行或其他贷款机构合作,向有需要的用户提供贷款; 9,车友社区:为交友车友提供交流平台,交流二手车购买体验。二手车APP软件始终可以向用户推荐最新的二手车信息,确保用户可以方便快捷地购买二手车。其次,与新车相比,现在二手车似乎更受用户欢迎,市场更大。企业仍有必要开发专业的二手车信息。


