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2019-07-11 09:05:05 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发











In the past, the traditional way of shipping in the service between the demand for services and the communication between the transport services will have information is not smooth, but also hinder the development of the market, through the way of logistics APP软件 allows users to go online through the current mobile APP软件 online Seeking logistics alone, setting up the current customer demand and building a bridge between communication and marketing between enterprises and users, product demand information has become smoother, and the traditional logistics industry has been upgraded and upgraded. It can realize the effective integration of the scattered logistics resources under the line, and can find the corresponding service online, and it is more convenient to find online, and obtain the offline transportation service. For some logistics companies, it can also improve the efficiency of service management of their own enterprises.


What are the processes for the development and production of logistics APP?

1. Logistics APP market research and analysis: Before developing and producing an APP, it is necessary to analyze this market, such as the competitive products in the market, how does APP软件 meet the needs of users, and what potential user groups have formed a message through market information analysis reports. Reporting plan to provide information guidance for the next product production.

2.APP development design and development: According to the user's APP软件 functional program evaluation, such as the feasibility of development evaluation is APP prototyping, UI design, technical team ERP system


The development of the source code, the construction of the background.

3.软件 test and improvement function: APP function development and development requires functional testing, various BUG modifications, various system compatibility tests, and perfect functions.

Logistics APP is the mobile application 软件 in the current mobile Internet era. Through this 软件 platform, it is not only the improvement of Internet business services, but also a convenient offline logistics service platform for people.



