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How much does it cost to develop a B2C online store app?

2019-07-11 10:54:37 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the Internet era, various mobile e-commerce companies have become the main platform for the current consumption of e-commerce that has replaced the PC. How much is the B2C online store APP development customization? B2C online store APP development allows merchants to switch from the trader's trading mode to online trading now. The mobile trading volume is far beyond the PC, so mobile APP has become the best choice for the development of current e-commerce merchants.



The types of online stores today are mainly B2C, B2B, O2O, C2C, and B2G. These are common types of online store apps. The specific type mode needs to be selected according to the mode and needs of the user's operation. There is also a single store e-commerce app, multi-user mall app classified by store type.


1.APP homepage function: Through various banner diagrams of fresh products, hot product display, promotional product display, coupon rush, and spike function.

2. Commodity product classification: APP classifies products according to different attributes of products, such as cosmetics, 3C appliances, clothes, etc. for detailed classification.

3. Online search function: Users search for products, directly search for the desired products online, and the search box function can also recommend popular products to users.

4. Online payment: After the user chooses the fresh product, join the shopping cart of the platform, select the receiving address, and pay for the purchase with one click.

5. My personal center: user account password information, coupon information and my wallet, my order, logistics information query, APP version information, online customer service, browsing records.

xx 6.内容信息功能:为用户提供购物信息,购物平台,产品内容消费导购讨论平台。









移动电子商务是未来电子商务发展的趋势。电子商务的未来发展是一种全渠道的互联网电子商务模式,向PC +电子商务APP +线下实体店发展。欲了解更多APP信息,请关注app开发公司汇海技术,提交APP定制要求,了解报价和周期。


