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What is the market prospect of the amusement park APP development?

2019-07-11 11:28:47 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, users' requirements for products are no longer simple entertainment. The amusement park APP development wants to have a deeper exchange and interaction. Product demand analysis is closely related to user needs analysis. How can Paradise App develop quickly to get users' favors. The current market environment is more complicated, but it can also find a clear road, product design is biased towards humanization and cost-effective


Amusement park app development needs analysis

1. Athletic between parents and children

OA system


The game does not reach the interaction between parents and children, the quality of the product is not good, so as a developer should lead to the concept of "parent-child competition", let parents play with children, increase the confidence and competition awareness of the child's growth process. This concept is rarely mentioned in China, because in the amusement park, it is common to see the children playing, and the parents watch the care.

2. Theme equipment

But there aren't many amusement parks that can do themed equipment. Introduce the theme equipment that is more in line with the market demand, so that users can use it more comfortably. The theme device is not a new product requirement, it always exists, so the amusement park app developer can work with the amusement park,

3. Cost-effective

The affordable psychology of user consumption will lead to the selection of some cost-effective products. The cost-effective products will bring a more heated atmosphere to the amusement park, and can also become a product with a high life cycle. The same price equipment can satisfy the number of people playing. The more, the higher the price/performance ratio



