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What is the cross-border e-commerce APP production development process?

2019-07-11 11:54:08 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Cross-border e-commerce APP production needs to go through a lot of work from birth to use. Cross-border e-commerce APP production and development requires multi-sector cooperation to develop a perfect APP. So what is the cross-border e-commerce APP development process? The following small series will give you an overview of the cross-border e-commerce APP development process.


1. Cross-border e-commerce APP product development process

APP planning needs: The planning demand stage is mainly about the discussion of the functional requirements of the commercial household users. The developer gives the quotation for the project evaluation. The development both sides further confirm the requirements for the function, UI design drawing, development system type and material requirements, and establish the final development effect. Program.

Demand development stage: According to the user's demand plan 汇海 development project, the R&D team's time planning, good front-end development, back-end development, functional interface docking, UI team visual design, after all the functions are developed, it is customized for 沈阳小程序 /p>


In the test of the APP function, various BUG test debugging, test pass, delivery acceptance.

Version release operation: After the above steps are completed, the APP is posted online, and after successful release, it can be downloaded and used directly through the major APP platforms. The merchant conducts market operations according to the arranged business, attracting more products to consume and use the APP.

Nowadays, cross-border e-commerce APP development can take only 2-3 months to complete, and development needs to find some large APP companies.

2. The functions required for custom development of cross-border e-commerce APP

xx 用户是否可以喜欢新的跨境电子商务APP,主要取决于这种跨境电子商务应用的界面风格是否美观和强大。在准备开发跨境电子商务APP之前,需要整理跨境电子商务APP的功能。对于UI界面,可以粗略地确定品牌和目标组以及app的功能。核心在于跨境电子商务APP的功能。




