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How to rationally reduce time and save money in sharing car APP development?

2019-07-11 12:45:29 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Custom development of an APP软件 probably requires 10 million yuan of development costs, about 5 months, although this cost and time are still reasonable, but some entrepreneurs still can not accept, always ask us, is there a way to shorten the sharing reasonably The development time of the car APP saves the development cost of the shared car APP. So, is there a way? Yes, the following APP development Xiaobian will be summarized for everyone.


1. Simplified sharing car APP development function is the core of a product. The number of functions and the difficulty of operation will directly affect the user experience of the later users. It will also directly affect the development cost and time of the shared car APP. OA system


xx 缩短产品开发周期,节省开发成本,企业家可以尝试简化产品功能需求。总的来说,在早期设计产品时,企业家有很多想法。我们称之为需求。但是,并非所有这些要求都能满足用户对企业开发的需求。因此,在发展之前,企业家可以进行梳理并消除一些不必要的东西。 2,使用其他开发方法自定义开发是目前APP行业中最常用的开发方法,但除此之外,还有其他方法可以开发共享车APP软件,如寻找私人定制开发,直接购买Ready制作模板,寻找免费的网站制作,可以达到节省开发成本和缩短开发周期的目的。但是,就产品的商业价值而言,定制开发是最高的,因此企业家应该在开发之前考虑它。 3.单向平台的开发众所周知,共享汽车app开发有两个平台。 Android和Apple,大多数企业家将同时选择两个开发项目。实际上,如果没有必要,企业家可以选择开发单向平台,单向平台开发难以开发的时间段,也会在一定程度上节省开发成本,缩短开发周期。以上所有方法都是合理的,可以帮助企业家缩短共享车APP的开发周期,节省开发成本。


