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2019-07-11 13:36:49 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发





1, Tab navigation: This kind of navigation is also known as tabbed navigation, mainly divided into two types. Usually the above Tab navigation is suitable for viewing the current page or changing the current view. It can be slid and the number can be increased or decreased at will. The following Tab navigation is generally used to display the core functions of the APP, which can be quickly switched. It is suitable for those functions that need to be frequently switched, and the number is limited, generally about four or five. 2, drawer navigation: drawer navigation is very simple, such as the use of the daily newspaper is this, it can hide the functions that are not commonly used or infrequently used behind the main interface. However, it has its own advantages, such as the ability to accommodate multiple entries, and the scalability is strong, which is conducive to the concentration of users' attention. 3, Gong Ge navigation: The most typical of this kind of navigation is Mito Xiuxiu and Beauty Camera. This kind of navigation is mainly used for independent, non-functional crossover, and infrequent switching functions. People often use it for secondary menus. However, this design has a clear classification, independent entrance, simple style and good visual experience. 4, list navigation: like a sniffing encyclopedia user is this navigation design, its applicable scene is generally secondary pages and those who do not have to display the actual content. The advantage is that the structure is clear and simple, allowing users to quickly find what they want. 5, rudder navigation: also known as "pointing" navigation, path first. This is what Sina Weibo uses. It is suitable for function points that are very important and frequently used by users. They are aggregated and placed in the middle or right of the bottom tab. 6, carousel navigation: This is the use of ink weather, commonly used and view picture content. It is easy to operate and can be swiped by hand. 7, combined navigation: QQ is the representative of this kind of navigation, many mobile phones 软件 on the market have used this combination navigation. It can combine various navigation methods according to the function needs of the app to achieve optimal information display. Different types of mobile phones APP软件 use different navigation design must have different effects, so developers must pay more attention to the choice, the right navigation design also helps to enhance the user experience.



