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What are the advantages and functions of the live video app?

2019-07-11 13:54:36 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

沈阳APP development company survey shows that by February 2017, the number of anchors after 90% accounted for about 70%, while the number of users watching live broadcasts reached about 60%; this data shows that the video live broadcast industry has great potential. The live video app development in order to present a great visual feast to the user, constantly optimize the drawbacks, so that users can find the favorite live content on the platform. So what are the advantages and functions of this mobile phone application? The next 沈阳APP development company conducted an in-depth analysis on this.


First, what are the advantages of live video APP软件?

1. Improve the user experience: the platform is based on the original, constantly optimize the architecture, and provides users with a beautiful interface to meet the user's view 沈阳小程序 development


Look at the demand.

2, easy to communicate: video live APP system is different from the previous live broadcast platform, it sets up the user can open the private chat channel in the process of watching the live broadcast, and interact with the anchor or watch companion.

3, maintenance originality live broadcast: This application supports the original live broadcast, and each live content will be reviewed to ensure that the user is provided with original content and positive energy live content.

Second, what are the basic functions of video live app production?

1, the live broadcast threshold is low: video live APP development provides a national live broadcast function, as long as you are an idea, talented people can live broadcast, do not need any media.

2, the vertical segmentation of the plate: the platform is classified according to the content of the live broadcast, and the user is provided with intelligent retrieval by using the Internet technology, and the user can find the online search.

xx 3,美女直播:在这里,为了满足用户的差异化需求,该平台为用户提供了美观直播功能,用户可以根据自己的喜好添加相应的美颜效果,让自己的直播平台大放异彩。


