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What should I pay attention to in the forum APP application?

2019-07-11 14:09:05 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The continuous updating of science and technology, people's social circles have also become diverse; and forum-based APP development is a kind of social way people. With its emergence, people's social circle has become more extensive; it has also become a platform for people to express their opinions and make friends. Here, users can communicate and discuss problems through their own thinking, and share the trivial things in life with friends in the circle. In a short period of time to make the user's life more colorful, then what should be paid attention to in the forum-like APP application?


1. The coverage of the service is comprehensive: the development of the society, the needs of the users have also become diversified, and the forum class APP软件 needs to optimize the content in combination with the needs of the society, and covers all the functional sections to allow users to work, study, live and shop. Waiting for more vitality.

2, quick post, reply, delete posts: Forum-based APP system optimization platform architecture, after the user posts, friends praise and comment can quickly provide 沈阳微信小程序


The news to the landlord, so that the landlord can quickly reply, and enhance the emotional connection between friends.

3, personal post space: Here, users can make their own personal homepage into their own space, users can set the background wall, text color, font size, etc. so that their forum space becomes different, increase Popularity, become a forum for small people.

4. Enhance the interaction between the platform and the users: Forum-based APP production pushes different information modules. Users can set up applications according to their personal preferences and learn different information. This will enhance the stickiness of users and platforms, and create a first-class comprehensive. Social forum platform.



