What are the basic functions that need to be implemented in carpooling APP development?
Carpooling app development makes the user's travel economic and convenient, not only solves the difficulty of users traveling by car, but also greatly improves the traffic congestion problem. Nowadays, carpooling has become a fashion. However, carpooling APP软件 is easy to use, but the development process is not simple, just take the basic functions, it is a big project. So, what basic functions do you need to achieve in carpooling APP development? The following APP development Xiaobian will summarize for you.
Carpool APP development needs to realize the basic functions: 1, navigation function using carpooling APP carpooling almost all of them are strangers, and each person's waiting position and destination location are different, the car is mainly equipped with users in different positions, navigation function It is a must, adding navigation function on the application system, the owner can get the optimal appearance plan and route when traveling, and carry the user to the destination with the least time. 2沈阳软件 production
xx 在线呼叫,现在APP的呼叫方式不再局限于拨打电话,80%的用户通过手机进行在线预约,因此在线呼叫功能也是APP的基本功能之一。如果你不能打电话,没有用户,无论是为用户提供方便,还是企业本身寻求利益,必须提供在线汽车通话功能。 3,支付功能出租车肯定是要钱,而在线支付功能可以方便用户付款。现在有很多用户没有现金出去。如果他们忘了,然后打电话给他们,他们会发现他们没有钱在目的地付钱。然后,车主不能成为自由劳动者。每个人都是如果你出来混合,你必须保持你的生活。 4,个人中心此功能主要是方便用户查看个人信息,如出租车信息,支付信息等汽车信息。用户可以登录该应用程序以查看其所有信息。其次,注册和登录功能以及调度等功能都不容忽视。拼车应用程序不仅适用于用户,也适用于所有者。这些功能对双方都有益。拼车是一种非常聪明的旅行方式,所以拼车APP一直受到很多人的青睐。