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沈阳APP development company analyzes how long it takes to develop an e-commerce 网站

2019-07-11 14:27:02 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The development of mobile Internet has made e-commerce appear in people's lives, which has brought great convenience to people's lives. It has also triggered a large number of e-commerce entrepreneurial tides. Many people have entered the e-commerce field to compete for a cup. soup. As a small editor working in the APP development company, there have been many friends asking Xiaobian: How long does it take to develop an e-commerce 网站? What is it related to? Today Xiaobian tells you that you are blessed. The next small series will do an in-depth analysis.


First, the complexity of the e-commerce 网站: Before the development, the operator must 软件 company


The main factor to consider is the complexity of the e-commerce 网站. Just a relatively simple 网站, only need a programmer who can program, generally such a hungry 网站 as long as a week or two; on the contrary, then you need a professional development team to develop, from the product design It takes a few months to set up and go online.

Second, the development of e-commerce 网站 based on what kind of architecture to run: e-commerce 网站 architecture is divided into iOS, Android, Windows phone three architecture; the specific architecture choice depends on the operator wants to base the e-commerce 网站, According to the consumer psychology needs and habits of the target group, the data is analyzed and the corresponding architecture is developed.

xx 选择什么样的开发团队至关重要:开发电子商务网站,选择具有较强专业技能和熟练经验的团队;这样的开发团队开发的产品不仅可以被市场上的用户认可。它还将开发时间缩短了一半。如果你选择一个技术不好的团队,结果恰恰相反。这些是运营商的选择。


