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Developer Tools Version Update: 2018.6.11 (1.02.1806080)

2019-07-12 23:34:48 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


最新版本下载地址 (1.02.1806080)

Windows 64, windows 32, mac

2018.06.08 更新日志

A added automatic preview feature details

A沈阳软件 customization


New Remote Debug Network Panel

A new simulator mute function

A new code breakpoint detection and prompt

A new support plugin page

A new recommended version number when uploading plugins

A Added Storage panel clear button and data detail display

A added project details appid copy button

F fix details of the issue of automatic compilation of Win10 1803 version

F fix 1.02.1805181 Details of the problem when using the abstract node componentGenerics in the imported component

F fix Details of the problem that caused the restart to take too long when recompiling due to the use of breakpoints in the loop

F fix An error is reported when a new plugin is introduced in the project. You need to switch the base library to use it

F fixes an error when navigationStyle is custom

F fix wx.setTabbarItem and recompile the details of the problem that cannot be recovered

F fix Remote debugging typescript source file content missing

F fix The problem that the compressed js file cannot be formatted properly

xx F修复了模拟器缩放时小尺寸视频游戏广告的问题


