小程序 help the public number profit? Here is a realizable example
In this issue of "小程序", the protagonist "Fashion Linfeng" uses "i love to buy" 小程序 to test the "content e-commerce", using the "public number +小程序" gameplay, so that content, social, community, and goods are fully linked. For the social e-commerce to create a practical and operational high road.
“Fashion Linfeng” was established in 2014, and in just two years, it has grown into a large V public number with more than 700,000 fans.
In 2015, “Fashion Linfeng” began to carry out content reforms. From the direction of the original “fashion comprehensive information”, it added interactive content such as “practical wearing rules”. This kind of content has a stronger sense of scene and gives “fashion to the wind”. The test of water content e-commerce has laid a very good foundation.
However, it is not an easy task to do a good job of content e-commerce. "Fashion Linfeng" also touched the wall, mainly encountered two problems:
1、渠道定位和品类不符:At the beginning of 2016, “Fashion Linfeng” was launched on the “micro store”, but according to Tippi, the founder of Fashion Linfeng, the purchasing environment of the micro store is more suitable for small and distinctive products. “Fashion Linfeng” mainly sells clothing. Conversion rate did not meet expectations.
2、用户体验差影响转化:After the micro store, "Fashion Linfeng" began to test the "H5" mall on the public number, by embedding the purchase link in the article, but multiple jumps also greatly affect the user experience. The effect is not satisfactory.
In the test "H5" e-commerce, "Fashion Linfeng" found three problems:
1. H5 needs to jump. It usually takes two to three steps, and user loss is more serious.
xx 2. H5 Mall is not easy to precipitate users, and must use the public number menu bar or QR code as the entrance.
3. H5 is more focused on the online experience and cannot involve offline scenes.
After a lot of verification, it was found that 小程序 is the "antidote", as follows:
1、 关于跳转问题:小程序 can be directly embedded in the push content without jumping.
2、 关于用户沉淀问题:小程序 is more open and direct, with multiple traffic entries and different access methods;
3、 关于线下场景问题:小程序 one-click authorization, membership management, card coupons, QR code scanning, LBS positioning, 小程序 mutual jump and other functions, have the natural advantage of online and offline and cross-brand cooperation.
"Fashion Linfeng" founder Tippi believes that 小程序 can gradually use the 微信 traffic and market guidance to gradually form users' habits, and this new shopping scene will become mainstream in the future and integrate into our daily life.
如何将零售本质最大化 他们这么做!
"In my opinion, the essence of buying and selling is social, and the earliest retail behavior is generated through the exchange of social activities." Tippi said.
Tippi gave us an example——. After comparing the fans and consumers of "Fashional Wind", it was found that the overlap between people who bought and read articles was only 20%-30%, and the overall ratio could be increased to make Many people make purchase decisions, except content, which is social relationships.
如何让公众号、社群、小程序达到最佳的联动,并且形成社交购物闭环?Tippi is ready to start from three aspects:
xx 时尚临风公众号拥有超过70万粉丝,每次阅读率超过5万。首先,每周三次在公共号码中推广小程序和小程序购买体验,以熟悉用户小程序。同时,在公众号码上做一些招聘活动,并将他们排入社区。
例如,文章“America's Tour Recruitment”以公开号码发布,并且放置了“American Travel Community QR Code”。时尚林峰将邀请一些“美国通行证”进入集团,引导话题和设计互动获奖游戏,适合“美国”的供应商产品将通过“小程序”在适当的场景中发布,由于强烈的场景感。购买最后一个按钮,您可以更好地完成转换。
以前社区的主要问题是“运营管理困难”,并产生了劳动力成本。 Fashion Linfeng还将通过一些基于卡片的小程序完成社区管理,以改善社区的活动。并通过“我喜欢购买”小程序来收集相关数据,例如,通过“群组应用”功能,可以了解群组用户的绘画沈阳软件定制
在创始人眼中的“我爱买”小程序运营服务平台SEE小电器店万旭成,小程序电子商务是未来的一种趋势。他说,从服务鲸鱼研究所,日食和女神进化等自媒体服务的经验来看,由于媒体公众想成功拥抱社交购物小程序,需要从以下两个方面入手 -