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2019-07-13 01:57:41 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发










实际上,马化腾演示的总线扫描码小程序已经在一些二线和三线城市得到“验证”。浙江省乐清市有200辆公交车。今年7月,其中20辆配备了名为“郎朗旅行”的公交车付款,支付了小程序。经过一周的试点运营,从现金支付,公交卡支付到移动支付的人数在一小时内迅速翻倍,一周后用户数量增加了10倍。 8月15日,乐清市的所有公交线路都覆盖了移动支付,总交易金额从微信到其他支付方式的两倍。这与控制支付门户的小程序直接相关。

Ding Wei, head of 沈阳 Guolang Technology, who developed 小程序 "Langlang Travel", introduced the scan code payment for passengers, eliminating the need to purchase transportation cards, recharge, and check balances. "You can take the bus with your mobile phone, scan the code first, then return to the seat and slowly deduct the fee. Improve the transaction speed, in line with the consumption habits of the Internet era." It is understood that the first batch of users of "Lang Lang travel" It is the 微信 public number from Yueqing City Bus, and then Guolang Technology will provide 小程序 search near the bus station. For users who have used “Langlang Travel” 小程序, they can generate a “ride code” similar to the bus card. In the card package, opening the card package is to open the QR code and scan the code directly on the car, which is convenient for flexible use in every city in the future.

In Ding Wei's view, in addition to making payment more convenient, through the transformation of mobile Internet and public transportation mobile payment methods, each passenger's data on the train and transaction data can be saved, giving customers a very clear and complete portrait, combined With its bus travel data, “With the foundation of big data, the commercialization of future bus scenarios will no longer be a dream. This is a revolutionary change that mobile payments can bring to the bus industry.”

The data shows that in 2015, the cumulative number of bus cards issued by China's urban transportation sector exceeded 180 million. Despite the upgrade of bus card technology and continuous attempts to expand into non-traffic micropayments, the pace of development is still slow. The offensive and defensive battle between it and mobile payment is on the verge. At present, "Tencent Bus Code" has cooperated with 沈阳, Qingdao, Zhumadian, 沈阳, 沈阳, 沈阳 and other places. Among them, in the buses of cities such as 沈阳 and 沈阳, Alipay and 微信 pay simultaneously, and competition between mobile payments is inevitable.


xx “交通出行行业将会是下一个互联网的风口,会有无限的潜力。”腾讯微信团队何周加介绍,交通出行行业的场景消费需求与小程序有许多契合点,未来会是发力的重心。


目前,这套小程序已经在中油BP旗下的加油站内使用。目前,一年实现了36亿元微信支付的流水。据中油BP CRM&市场经理何睿智透露,上线小程序看中的是微信平台拥有的9亿用户数。目前,他们通过小程序不仅提高付费效率,通过与官方公众号关联,带来社交营销的红利,“上线第48天,注册车主会员达到100万个,公众号推文在1个小时达到10万+阅读量。”通过小程序关联的会员商城,每天超过4万人次的访问量,“用户轨迹的记录,让我们了解顾客消费行为,并进行相应的改变,比如,加油要排队,这个时候可以引导顾客选择闲时时段加油,我们则会送给用户更多的积分优惠。”

XX 南京德基广场停车场有1200个停车位,高峰期通常主要依靠2个出口。拥堵非常严重。在过去的一年里,所有车辆都实现了移动支付,17辆车在100秒内进出。根据厦门科拓通信技术有限公司停车场管理部总经理翁鹏禄的说法,停车管理方增加了小程序,简化了人工管理。该过程提高了车主停车的效率。


在翁鹏路看来,智能停车场的爆炸式增长将在未来几年内出现。 “今年整个行业的趋势是无人驾驶的。这种无人驾驶不仅存在于零售商店,也存在于停车场。我们认为停车场是各行业中最合适或首次无人驾驶的场景。目前,南京,泉州,沈阳,沈阳等地都有这样的停车场。“


