目前,几乎每个人都有各种在线帐户。 微信与家人和朋友,一群记录悲欢离合的朋友,支付宝转账,大量充值游戏账号.
如果有一天,当用户死亡时,这些网络资产可以继承吗? 汇海科技小编为您带来最新消息!
除了改变和转移,许多人还花费大量的时间和金钱,从游戏中获得虚拟武器和游戏币,并在线交易。在青岛居民何先生看来,这些有价值的商品应该属于个人网络资产。 “既然我已经花钱购买设备,我必须填写游戏币,我不希望它被喝醉。我绝对希望会有继任者。”
Dong Qi, a lawyer of Liaoning Chenggong Law Firm, believes that: “The network heritage is strictly part of the movable property. For example, the deposit balance in the 微信 account and the Alipay account is similar to the bank balance. It has a property attribute and is inherited or When it is distributed, it is similar to a form of processing deposits to handle balance assets."
The country currently has no clear judicial interpretation of the network heritage, and the legal profession has no final conclusions. The industry believes that according to《继承法》, there is no personal nature of the network heritage, such as online stores, network management, balance treasure and works copyright, game currency, etc. should be able to inherit; with personal attributes can not be inherited, such as the real name system QQ number And Weibo account and so on.
As more and more people are concerned about the inheritance of network heritage, some Internet companies are also exploring and solving. An Internet company customer service said that the account does not support inheritance for the time being, but if there is funds in the account, the corresponding documents will be provided. Alipay will dispose of the funds here. It is necessary to provide the ID card of the first heir, the first heir and Proof of the relationship between the account holder and the death certificate of the account holder.
The network account is not 沈阳APP软件
Belongs to property, there is no such provision in《物权法》.《继承法》It is difficult to achieve clear agreement on《物权法》on the virtual property, because if the legality of the virtual heritage is recognized, the virtual property also has a legal basis, such as recognizing the value of digital equipment or virtual currency issued by online game companies. It almost means that online game companies have the right to print money.
xx 在某些目前已有详细记录的网络遗产继承的情况下,常见的操作方法是首先虚拟化虚拟属性,然后根据物理属性继承它。据媒体报道,上海的一对小夫妻离婚,争论淘宝店的物业部门。经法官调解后,采用招标方式。提出赔偿价格的人很高,如果另一方接受了,那么网上商店将分配给谁。如果双方未达成共识,那么根据法院的判断,网上商店将成为真实货币然后拆分。
将来,网络虚拟财产的继承和保护问题将变得越来越重要。有关部门要及时澄清和界定纠纷和法律模糊领域,完善相关制度和法律制度。实际上,它对网络社会也是不可或缺的。公共安全是不可避免的。 汇海技术小编认为,在不久的将来,我们的系统肯定会有所改善,并将帮助我们解决这些问题。