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2019-07-11 16:54:28 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

首先,在做小程序之前做一个小程序操作计划,做小程序规划。例如,如果你想做几个小程序,你想做什么样的小程序,无论是促销,销售,还是两者的组合;确定名称为小程序,名称不仅要反映产品品牌,还要满足用户。搜索习惯,方便用户理解,提高小程序的搜索量,让排名靠前(例如:你可以做至少2个小程序,小程序名称可以考虑品牌词和常用关键词的组合,一个小程序名做品牌,用户使用的另一个关键词)。其次,域名抢注时间小程序的名称是唯一的。注册后,您无法申请注册。除非另一方修改小程序的名称或取消该帐户,否则必须及时注册小程序名称。好名字可以为小程序带来大量流量,节省了大量的促销费用。 (目前,很多媒体的名称也是独一无二的,所以在运营商眼中,蹲下媒体名称也很重要。)三,推广小程序,引入种子用户小程序后,有必要进行第一次促销,引种子。用户,这需要公司的各种在线渠道互相帮助。各种媒体渠道(今日头条,有趣的头条新闻,个人图书馆,软件自定义


Blogs, Weibo, etc. from the media), official website, 微信 public number, etc. for the enterprise 小程序 advertising, and is still continuous, the introduction of seed users. (Attracting incoming seed users and users who are added later, they must do continuous maintenance of the users, and also need corresponding methods). Remarks: In the enterprise, the information flow of each media should be interoperable, and mutual promotion and recommendation, so when the 小程序 traffic is done, it can also lead other media or products of the enterprise. Fourth, analyze 小程序 data in the process of 小程序 promotion, we must always analyze 小程序 consultation and message, pageview, sharing amount and other information, this is a very important work in 小程序 operation, especially the first promotion, to adjust according to the data Products, but also pay attention to direct competitiveness and indirect competitiveness of the merchants, regular planning of product features, display, product updates, looking for better promotion methods. Fifth, do a 小程序 traffic pool. We know that when 小程序 is in operation, 小程序 pasteability and traffic utilization are very low. We should prepare a 小程序 traffic pool to bring 小程序 traffic to a centralized traffic pool. It is convenient for multi-faceted use of post-traffic and reuse of other product traffic, so it is best to introduce 小程序 user traffic to 微信 public number to increase the stickiness of 小程序 users. Sixth, understand 小程序 rules want to do 小程序, to understand the point 小程序 rules and necessary conditions, to avoid dig pits later, this is what we talked about in the early sharing. For example, if you register 小程序 in the certified 微信 public number, you can register 5 for free, and you don't need to spend the certification fee.xx 如果您直接在微信公共平台注册,您需要花费300元/年进行认证;和小程序名称一旦被其他人预先注册,就不能使用相同的名称注册; 小程序名称注册成功,一旦提交小程序代码,审核成功。查看小程序名称的成本需要300元来重新认证修改。1-1Z41613543I53.png


