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What is the principle of the micro-business distribution system

2019-07-12 11:27:05 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The micro-business distribution system is a hot topic at this stage, which allows merchants to have very low operating costs, and can accumulate a group of loyal users and employees throughout the system, which makes management more convenient. Next

The micro-business distribution system is a hot topic at this stage, which allows merchants to have very low operating costs, and can accumulate a group of loyal users and employees throughout the system, which makes management more convenient. Let's take a look at微商分销系统What is the principle!


1. Three-level distribution

What is the principle of three-level distribution? Take the dealer as the lower level. That is to say, after the first episode, the employees who developed their own offline are the second episode, and the employees under the offline development have become the third season. This is collectively referred to as a stage, called three levels, three levels, three levels in the countryside, and so on, called the texture of the three-level distribution. For the 微信 distribution system, the three-level distribution must be in an infinite loop mode, so that the upper-level people can get the maximum benefit.

2. Low threshold

The low threshold also represents an important principle that this system can survive in the 微信 mall, because. Users who are not concentrated may be able to develop into a distributor for users or fans. This allows the merchants of this product to find most of the promoters and the time to find partners, and this level can also greatly reduce the cost of publicity. 沈阳小程序 development


That is to say, anyone can choose to become a distributor after doing this again.

3. Product control

xx 一般来说,在该系统的控制下,产品由顶级商家统一分配和管理,使产品价格非常均匀,供货系统也非常稳定和完整。



