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What are the basic functions of 微信 Mall

2019-07-12 14:10:30 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信 users now have more than 1 billion people, and many people love to buy things on 微信. What is the reason? Because it is very simple and convenient when operating 微信. 微信 Mall officially said: is a mobile Internet mall should

微信 users now have more than 1 billion people, and many people love to buy things on 微信. What is the reason? Because it is very simple and convenient when operating 微信. 微信 Mall officially said: It is a mobile Internet application service product, what are the basic functions of微信商城?

1. Payment function

When many people go out, they especially like to use 微信 to pay. Because of the special convenience when using 微信, the recovery function on 微信 mall is very powerful. When paying, it is very convenient and the operation is very simple. Therefore, with the attention and support of many people, more people will use it.


2, promotional features

For some products, there are many promotions and events in the 微信 mall. 软件开发


At this time, can come to view and decide whether it will be purchased. As for this promotion, many people are interested in it. It is also very safe in 微信, and it is very reassuring. Therefore, it has received a lot of attention and welcome.

3. Lottery or voting function

xx 在微信商城买东西,一旦付款结束,一些商场会提供彩票,那么,关键是看你是否很幸运,如果运气好,你可以获得彩票或其他奖品。投票功能也让很多人感到非常方便。投票部分对每个人都非常有趣,并引起了很多关注。

因此,每个人都选择的微信商城具有上述功能。一旦您决定在微商城开展业务,如果您对其功能没有透彻了解,则可能会出现一些操作问题。 微信商城的这种操作也可能变得非常不利。


