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Education industry's 微信小程序 design should pay attention to what

2019-07-12 14:35:06 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信小程序 in the end how come? I believe everyone is particularly curious, 微信小程序 can be obtained through development, in general, companies will choose a powerful 微信小程序 development company to commission development. The education industry is particularly suitable for

微信小程序How come it is? I believe everyone is particularly curious, 微信小程序 can be obtained through development, in general, companies will choose a powerful 微信小程序 development company to commission development. The education industry is particularly suitable for 微信小程序, so many education companies are now rushing to commission 小程序 development company to help themselves, but some education companies would like to know, the education industry 微信小程序 design should pay attention to what, today this article for everyone.


1. Promotion issues should be concerned

To do a good job in the promotion of educational institutions, 微信小程序 is a particularly good mobile Internet promotion platform, you can first join the quality course at 小程序 for free viewing, let users scan the way, so that users can watch the course for free, when consumers feel this The course is perfect for you and you can make a purchase.

2. Establish feedback mechanism

Very mobile phone 软件开发


After purchasing the study course, many parents are most concerned about the progress of the child's course and the state of learning. 微信小程序 has to add feedback function, parents associate the mobile phone number with the child 微信, parents can check the child's learning progress at any time.

3. Provide more free courses

xx 教育行业最重要的收入是通过用户购买课程来赚取收入,但有时需要扩大自己的用户并提升品牌影响力。为用户提供更多高质量的免费课程,让更多人意识到企业品牌是必要的。



