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The micro-business distribution system plugs the wings into the traditional marketing model

2019-07-12 16:31:00 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, there are more and more 软件 platforms for mobile communication, which brings convenience to the lives of ordinary people and also brings huge business opportunities. The micro-business distribution system is a very typical example. It uses the most popular and the most registered users. 微信 platform built

Now there are more and more 软件 platforms for mobile communication, making it for the people 沈阳软件


Bringing convenience and bringing huge business opportunities,微商分销系统is a very typical example. It uses the 微信 platform, which is the most popular and the most registered user, to establish sales channels. It has a broad market, convenient management and acceptance by the masses. The high degree of characteristics has become the new favorite of the mobile sales market.


微信 distribution system's three-level distribution model

Suppliers, agents and users, the three parties have formed a micro-business distribution model, suppliers are usually the builders of the 微信 marketing system platform, and the agent's main marketing task is to attract friends from all prospective customers. The attention of the distributor's merchandise, the user can only use the product, but also share the product and profit. This marketing model, we can call it word of mouth marketing, or experience sharing marketing, it takes the operators and consumption The boundaries of the person become more blurred, as long as the consumer has a feeling for the product, the agent for this product is also a minute.

The combination of micro-business distribution system and o2o

xx 现在有很多的微商分销系统都不是孤立地存在的,它们都和线下店之间总是有着千丝万缕的联系,实际的情况是很多微商分销系统都是从传统营销系统的基础上新添的营销系统,这样的模式,让传统店面变成了真正意义的O2O,既能施展网络营销广泛的群众基础,又能克服一些消费者喜欢在实体店购物的习惯。




