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2019-07-12 21:31:32 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

XX 小程序 can be accessed through 微信 (scanning QR code, search, share, etc.). The app is downloaded from the app store (App Store, app collection, etc.). The APP is installed in the phone's memory and always takes up memory space. Too many apps may cause insufficient memory. 小程序 does not need to be installed, and 微信 shared memory usage, the memory space is negligible, and 汇海 is extremely fast.1-1Z62222343E08.jpg 小程序 After a development, multi-terminal adaptation. The App needs to adapt to all kinds of mainstream mobile phones, and the development cost is high. The average 小程序 average development cycle is about 2 weeks. The average development cycle for a complete dual-platform app is almost two months. So whether it is a physical business, an e-commerce practitioner, a city community, etc. want to develop a 微信小程序, first of all, how much is the cost of 微信小程序? Preparation: 1: Prototype and UI design: Say simple is your 小程序 The icon and logo are generally found to cost 1,000 yuan! 2:小程序 program: including front-end and back-end generally look at what to achieve if the simple enterprise display 网站 program is very cheap at 1000RMB, mall 小程序 generally does not provide source code According to the annual fee, the price is 2000-10000RMB/year (this price does not exclude the provision of the program, but does not include the server and other fees)! 3: Server fee: Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are the two most used in the market. In the case of not including activities, the monthly price is about 60 yuan, that is, about 600RMB per year! 4: Domain name fee: in the domestic need to operate 网站 and other domain names must be filed, domain name price from 5 yuan to 65 yuan/year Not equal (because the domain name suffix is not the same, com's domain name is about 65 a year) 5: Personnel maintenance costs: the program minimum 6000+, with a beautiful 5000 + 15 million a year.xx 6:腾讯认证费用:如果公司有认证服务号码,则免费。 300元/年没有认证服务号码。如果是个人制作小程序免费,个人小程序评论更严格功能少〜总结:如果商家让小程序固定成本=1000 + 600 + 5 + 300=1905元/年〜,劳动150000其他杂费看大家这里感觉非常便宜,但汇海技术告诉你,如果你不是技术人员出生或者公司有技术人员维护,不建议找到自己的开发和维护,否则当问题出现时会很疯狂。 1,小程序和APP,网站,需要维护定期更新,没有更新可能会出现一些错误,2,如果服务器受到攻击,则无法处理3,如果要修改某些页面,则不会编写代码并查找对于其他人来说,这个成本估算高于开发成本。建议使用第三方小程序开发平台,如:汇海技术1,标准版3980,如商城,企业展示等,80%的市场可以实现小程序。 2,无需代码,可视化操作,一键生成小程序3,平台提供服务器,空间,域名4,专业团队提供5个售后支持,如果您觉得还可以直接联系客服生产,价格与自己的生产价格相同6,在后期,每年更新费用是30%的折扣(所有小程序需要续订,没有续订费用需要擦亮你的眼睛)小程序 沈阳软件公司




