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2019-07-12 21:50:45 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Most merchants in the background consultation 微信小程序 development will first ask: "Hey, hello, I want to develop a 微信小程序, how much?"2-1Z22G42T2933.jpg In general, 小程序 development costs are composed of the following: 1, the cost of development. Development costs will account for more than 90% of the total cost. The technical development team is involved in a wide range of departments and staff. These include prior requirements documentation, front-end development, back-end development, UI design, server deployment, test and maintenance, product modifications, and dedicated user planners. 小程序 development cost is determined by 小程序 function and complexity, simple function 微信小程序 thousands, medium function 微信小程序 tens of thousands, high complexity 微信小程序 development costs may reach more than 100,000. 2. Server rental fee. 小程序 is run by the server. It can be used in two server modes:—— self-built server and leased cloud server. The advantages of self-built servers are security. The disadvantages are high cost and high maintenance cost. Cloud servers have basically no shortcomings, and their security problems are already highly guaranteed. The advantages are cloud deployment, shared resources, low cost, and flexible operation. Therefore, most merchants will choose to rent the cloud server directly, because the cost of developing themselves is too high, and server leasing and maintenance costs are more cost-effective. 小程序 server cost depends on the storage space and bandwidth of the server. The simple 小程序 server fee is less than 1,000 yuan, and the 小程序 server with large storage space or large amount of access needs to be in tens of thousands. 3. Post-operation maintenance and update costs. 小程序, like all APPs, is constantly updated and iterated. It requires dedicated personnel to operate and maintain. The general maintenance and update costs only account for one-tenth of the development cost. Maintenance includes 小程序Bug modification, server 软件 customization


xx 定期维护,系统安全维护等。如果您遇到一些不收取维护费用的公司,他们必须计算开发成本中的维护成本或作为第一年的维护费用。 4.第三方支付接口费。对于商家,第三方支付接口用于小程序应用程序开发。目前,常用的支付方式有微信支付,银联支付等。其中,微信付款需要验证公共服务号码类型,这需要300元/年试用费。银联或第三方公司可以免费找到银联支付界面。之后,通过该平台的交易现金提取将涉及约0.6%-1%的服务费,这在不同行业中略有不同。 1,小程序只开发无背景的前端,成本会大大降低。没有交互,活动和商城功能,只有纯粹的显示效果。这种纯页面小程序可固定在3000元左右。 2.如果客户有自己的技术团队,他可以维持小程序的正常运行并节省维护成本。 3.错过了小程序的市场分红期。现在在小程序的市场分红期,价格很高。但如果你错过奖金期,市场将会分裂,所以你错过了机会。 4,开发公司提供免费的基本版小程序,企业可以在不花一分钱的情况下抓住小程序的初始红利。低成本,全功能,持续更新迭代和专业的客户指导,护送整个过程。我们还将提供长期售后跟踪服务以及运营协助,以便定制的小程序能够真正发挥其作用并为大多数商家提供机会。


