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小程序 technology to be mastered in development
自微信小程序开发,还记得之前给大家分享了一次入门的小程序开发教程吗?那时候有人问我,后续会不会经常更新小程序文章。由于我的工作不是这方面相关的,对小程序研究甚少,也不敢随便撸文,怕误导大家学习!很多看的懂小程序的,都已经赚了第一桶金了。而你还在观望,要不要学习小程序开发,等后面从事开发小程序的人越来越多,那时你才要开始人坑,是不是已经都太迟了,那时公司要求你的技术水平已经不再停留在初级工程师了,要的是那些已经从事这方面开发多年的中高级开发人员了。所以,我们做小程序开发的,一定不要观望,动手开始学习吧! 1,域名必须是HTTPS非HTTPS的域名不被微信小程序允许2,输入组件占位符字体颜色写在占位符级里面的颜色并不生效,需要写在占位符式里面就可以了3,wx.navigateTo无法跳转到带的TabBar的页面带有的TabBar的页面,必须使用wx.switchTab进行跳转4,的TabBar在切换时页面数据无法刷新的TabBar的实现可能是显示和隐藏视图,所以,不会一直调用page.onLoad ()方法,可以尝试把代码逻辑写在page.onShow()里面5,如何获取shareTickets获取shareTickets需要在app.onLaunch或者app.onShow里面才能获取到,而不是page.onShow,请一定要注意.XX
Note: It is recommended to get it in app.onShow, app.onLaunch is not always executed. 6, getPhoneNumber get mobile phone number 小程序 development Currently the interface for non-personal developers, and completed the certification 小程序 open. Personal developers can't call this API. 7. The preview URL of the wx.previewImage preview must be the beginning of HTTPS. It can't be a local image. 8. The audio playback must ensure that the audio file is already local, for example, at wx.startRecord. After that, you can get to filePath. Or call wx.downloadFile in advance to download the resource file, and then play 9, API old version compatibility can be judged by wx.canIUse or wx.getSystemInfoSync, the old version gives the corresponding prompt 10, get the system information wx.getSystemInfo, Can get the system language, screen width, 微信 version number, operating system, device pixel ratio, client-side library version and other information 11, how to remove the custom button gray rounded border is mainly the button's pseudo-element set style, Can be removed: button: after{ display: none;}12, back to the top of the page back to the top of the page, there are two ways: 1, use scroll-view to set to vertical scrolling, and then set the scroll-top value; Using the wx.pageScrollTo method, this method is supported by 1.4.0, so it is compatible with low version; 13, input textarea is the original component of APP, and the class with the highest z-index level has search box, may encounter IOS Below, after setting the z-index of the icon, it still cannot be displayed.xx
5,一段文字如何包装小程序唯一可以实现换行的标签组件是文本注意:文本不支持,只能使用\ n进行换行16,设置最外层标签margin-bottom不生效下IOS margin-bottom在Android和开发工具中都是正常的,它在IOS中没有效果,建议改为padding-bottom17,小程序 canvas图像不支持base64格式的base64格式图片,可以正常显示在小程序开发工具中,真机上没有显示。建议使用https的开头更改为网址表单。推荐阅读:小程序有用吗?没有答案吗?