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2019-07-12 22:25:48 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


1-1Z30Q35A3238.jpg 微信 The operation and promotion of the public number is a subject worthy of in-depth study. The research team proposed the following several operational and promotion strategies for popularizing the popular public class by studying the specific popular popular science public number. First, the design of the disaster prevention and relief science popularization number in order to enable rural readers to read the category of popular science articles, the public number is classified according to the content, which is divided into: policy interpretation, disaster warning, disaster relief knowledge, technology promotion, and important activities. (1) Interpretation of policies: Mainly to timely interpret the latest rural disaster prevention and mitigation policies, plans, and important meetings. (2) Early warning of disasters: Early warning of possible disasters, such as heavy rain, mudslides, hail, frost, insects, and winds. (3) Disaster relief knowledge: In response to specific disaster warnings, the corresponding response measures for specific disaster situations will be disseminated to a wide audience, so that the majority of the victims will carry out self-rescue at the first time of the disaster and minimize the losses caused by natural disasters. (IV) Science and technology promotion: disseminate the most advanced agricultural science and technology knowledge to the majority of farmers, and increase production and increase production for rural areas. (V) Important activities: It is mainly to introduce the notices and notices of the online activities to be carried out on the popular science platform. Such as: expert lectures, expert exchanges, etc. Second, 微信 public number app development


xx 内容编辑设计为提高防灾救灾科学平台内容的可读性,内容设计如下:(1)图文混合:防灾救灾科学知识传播的内容主要基于文字,图片说明补充。根据微信的传播方式,图文混合是主要方法,平台推出的防灾救灾内容采用图文混合方式占总数的80%以上。在文章图片的选择中,所选择的图片精美且具有强烈的吸引力。在文章的排列过程中,文本和图片被排列和均匀分布。 (2)视频:根据微信公共平台的特点,如果上传的视频超过25M,则需要将视频上传到腾讯视频并添加。我们可以根据具体需要通过PowerDirector和Format Factory编辑,合成,转码和上传视频。推广防灾救灾视频资源,开展农民科普工作。 (3)科普漫画:科普漫画通过漫画展示科普的内容。根据漫画的特点,它们可以更好地吸引农村青少年的注意力,并在不知不觉中为这些人进行防灾救灾。科普推广。 (4)精美文章:美国文章是南京蓝鲸网络科技有限公司开发的产品,涵盖网络和移动。可以通过美国提供的图形编辑工具任意添加文本描述,背景音乐和视频。通过设计即将发布的科普内容,可以通过公共号码发布作品,优美的内容丰富了微信的内容表达,增强了公众的阅读体验。与静态图像传播不同,美国编辑的动态文章的使用具有更强的交互性,并刺激读者分享和传播。 Third, the operation and promotion strategy of the popular science 微信 public number as the 微信 public number to promote the knowledge of disaster prevention and relief science, for a specific group of farmers, it is necessary to create and operate the public number with a more open concept, according to the characteristics of the rural audience, Communicate content, 微信 information dissemination law should actively think about, fully understand the habits of farmers' use of mobile media, gradually increase the influence of 微信 public number through relevant strategies, expand the coverage of science popularization of disaster prevention and relief, and thus improve the disaster prevention and relief of rural people Awareness and literacy. (1) Optimizing the popularization of popular science publicity content Why there are millions of fans on the network, and it is possible to push articles with a reading volume of 100,000+, because there is an excellent operational team behind the team. The content, design and release time of the article have been carefully planned to produce an article with a reading volume of 100,000+. Through a large number of circle of friends, attract fans' attention and accumulate millions of fans. As the general public science 微信 public number, we should also learn the practice of the big V, set up the operation team, optimize the push content of the public number, the content should not only include the knowledge content of the disaster prevention and relief for farmers, but also include some of the information brought to the farmers. An article that is close to the joy of life. The public number can use new technology and new tools to optimize content (such as beauty, H5 technology, etc.). The content of the public number can also be used to analyze the popularity of the article according to the background data analysis after a period of operation, and then find out the characteristics of the rural audience, and select the high-quality content that meets the needs of the rural audience according to their preferences, and stimulate the sharing of friends. Expand the focus of attention. (2) Optimizing the popular science public service According to the big data analysis of the platform, the time most suitable for pushing the rural audience is generally suitable for lunch time or evening. In order to achieve the personalized and accurate push of information for this period of time, the number of readings of the article can be improved, and the sharing of articles by the rural audience can attract more people's attention and make information dissemination more efficient.xx 使用公共平台提供的相关功能,我们还可以创建独特的自定义菜单。这将为观众提供更好的阅读体验。特别是,重点是与用户的互动,包括公共账户的自动响应设置,以及专家讲座期间的及时互动。 (3)启动在线和离线推广方法的组合由于微信内容的共享功能,如果你可以刺激用户分享推文,它本质上是一种推广。通过这种方式,文章可以展开。吸引更多用户关注。根据相关公众人物在线宣传的经验,以秦皇岛科普为例,自公众号于2015年8月31日正式启动以来,该平台以科学,知识和公益为基础,致力于建设公民之间的交流和互动,以学习科学。平台和平台引入互动信用系统。用户可以通过每日办理登机手续赢得积分,邀请朋友关注,分享,阅读科普文章,参加线下科普活动等。前100名积分可兑换相应级别的实物奖品。共执行了10多个问题,很好地促进了平台的发展。截至2018年9月,它拥有超过30,000名稳定的粉丝。成功推广秦皇岛科学普及号的主要原因之一是它是科技协会的官方微信。协会有足够的资金设立运营团队购买体育奖品。通过线上线下推广,它获得了很多关注和出色的运营成果。


