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The 30W value of the vibrating drainage tutorial, don't hurry to see.

2019-07-12 22:42:38 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

At present, the jittery traffic is still a dividend period, but as time goes by, more and more people are stationed, and traffic competition will become more and more fierce. The bonus is only the earliest to join, the best part. Therefore, we need to speed up the capture of the vibrato to carry out marketing, the following small series will share with you a few methods of precise tuning of the vibrato.



In the soft introduction of the profile information, do not directly write 微信 or V letter, this conventional practice has been played badly, the probability of passing can be too low, you can borrow the love symbol, etc. others can understand it.

Note: It is best not to set the nickname as an advertisement. As long as the sensitive words are set, the effect of our powder absorption may not be effective at all.

There is also a trick, the default value of the vibrato ID is a string of numbers, you can set the vibrato to 微信, so that you can directly tell others 微信 with the vibrating tone when diverting.


The first is to comment on the recommended works, the second is to comment on the peer works, such as you are doing acne products, then you can find a lot of competition by searching for keywords like acne. opponent. Of course, both have their pros and cons, the hot traffic is big, but the flow APP软件开发


The amount is too general, the flow of the works of the peers is small, but the flow is accurate, and everyone can do it together.

Below, 汇海 Xiaobian introduces two tips for commenting through comments:

1. Pay attention to the frequency, comment on a work, and come back later. Remember not to comment a few minutes.

xx 2.注意内容,每个作品的评论内容最好不一样,而且千万不要带敏感词广告,正常评论就行,其实做抖音评论引流,你完全可以带着娱乐的性质去做,一边欣赏段子一边引流。








