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5 微信 public number typography skills that newcomers must master

2019-07-12 22:44:34 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the rise of the new media industry, everyone is self-reliant, and waves are pouring into this red sea. It is like an era of public numbers, and the layout of various spicy eyes is endless. If the title can guide the reader to open the article, a good typesetting will make your 微信 public number comfortable and individual, and keep the reader to continue reading, so as to achieve the desired effect of the content. Today, 汇海 Xiaobian will share some public number typography skills, hoping to help everyone.


1 Determine the standard template, do not change it

Everyone who does the public number should determine a standard template and determine the fixed standard: the font size and color of the text, the font size, color, format, size and format of the image, and the prominent form of the key information. After that, it will not be replaced. Stable typographic styles and styles give authenticity and professionalism. Of course, the establishment of a standard template allows you to save time and save time every time you type.

2 layout neat and tidy

Graphic and text combination. After the whole article, it is best to have more than two pictures. This is to let the reader take a break. The whole text is a text that can scare more than half of the readers.

Text color matching. Some people like to use a variety of not 软件 companies in an article


The same color, this is a reason to wear clothes, too much color will look exaggerated. There are two color schemes in an article that are enough. Important sentences can be color-coded, but not too much. Unless the whole article is a golden sentence, I believe many people do not have this ability.

3 taboo too many colors, too color

The color matching in the article is as simple as possible. Try to make the color appear in the article no more than three. When highlighting some content, please use a bold way, or the whole article will be bolded with only one or two tones.

xx 4种常见的对齐方法











