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信息发布是免费网站推广的常用方法之一。这种方法将有关的网站推广信息发布在其他潜在用户可能访问的网站上,利用用户在这些网站获取信息的机会实现网站推广的目的。适用于信息发布的网站包括分类信息、论坛、知道问答、网址大全等。 分类信息推广分类信息平台也称分类广告平台,是以发布信息为主要宣传手段的一沈阳软件公司xxxx The promotion method is also an important auxiliary means of SEO and SEM. For a keyword that is not too popular, it is easy to enter the Baidu homepage when it is sent to the market or the people's network. There are two kinds of traffic sources for the classified information platform, one is the keyword search from the search engine, and the other is from the platform itself. The people who search for information on the classification platform are the intentional people who have a certain demand. Therefore, the classified information platform is also a gathering place of intentional traffic. How should we promote the classification information platform? What are the precautions? 1. The selection of classified information platforms There are hundreds of classified information platforms on the Internet, how do we choose ourselves from such a large number of platforms? First of all, according to the characteristics and nature of the product, look at the amount of similar information on each platform, promote the host to search for "virtual host", promote the site to search for "网站建设", for those who do not view High, popular platforms can be abandoned directly. Secondly, according to your own time and effort to determine the number of publishing platforms, after testing, test a few days, record the information release of each platform every day, and observe the search engine's inclusion and ranking in real time, and the inclusion and ranking are good. The high-quality platform is screened out, and those platforms with poor quality are abandoned, and so on, until a certain number of high-quality platforms are accumulated. 2. The setting of the title is very important. The promotion principle of the classified information is to use the high weight of the classified information platform to publish a large amount of information, so as to attract customers and traffic through the search engine. The key factor is the title, and only the title conforms to the user's search habits. Maximize traffic interception from search engines. Therefore, we need to spend a certain amount of time to study the user's search habits, starting with the user's concerns, such as "price", "effect", "after-sales", etc. and then select the appropriate keywords to incorporate the title. In addition, the title should be novel and creative to attract the reader's interest, thus guiding the user to click. In the era of information explosion, in the face of massive choices, how to quickly grasp the reader's eye, the title is crucial.xx 因此,在填写标题时,我们必须掌握信息的中坚力量,突出产品的卖点。 “卖点+项目名称+价格+颜色”的规律符合人们的阅读习惯,但应注意标题不应太长。 3.内容应原创,注重用户体验。如果标题被设置为吸引用户浏览和改善流量,则内容设计与客户是否识别和支付信息有关,并且实现了提高转换率的目的。任何做过网站优化的人都知道网站的质量会影响网站的权重,而分类信息平台也是一样的。内容质量越高,相关性越强,该页面的权重越高。只有当提出内容的质量时才会受到搜索引擎的青睐,因此曝光率会很高。当然,您也可以在帖子中嵌入关键字,并添加一些用户不熟悉的专业知识,以提高用户对产品的信任度。在当前的视觉时代,添加图像也至关重要。图片是客户了解产品的重要渠道。良好的画面可以在第一时间吸引眼球并发挥良好的沟通效果,从而吸引顾客继续阅读。 4.注意发布时间信息平台自身的流量不容小觑,但平台的流量主要集中在每个频道和列的首页,因此根据用户的浏览习惯,在不同的时间段更新自己的信息。确保每个时间段都已登录。客户可以查看我们的信息以最大化他们的存在。在白天,午餐休息时间和工作前的平台访问量最大化与人们的工作和日程安排密切相关。在工作之前和之后,人们会上网查看他们是否有他们需要的东西。如果您希望更多人看到信息,请在此时发布信息! 5.熟悉各个平台的规则,国有法律,家庭规则各行各业的平台也有自己的规则,分类信息平台也不例外。因此,在发布信息之前,首先要清除这些规则,否则就不值得了。 例如,某些机密信息平台的分类非常严格。如果分类不正确,将很快删除帖子(例如市场)。一些高重量的分类平台规定了链接的位置,这些混乱将被删除甚至惩罚。发帖时要小心,内容不能重复,不要发送太多没有实际意义的“垃圾”信息。这些平台具有很强的识别重复内容和“垃圾”内容的能力。如果他们重复,他们会立即提醒您,“垃圾”信息将立即删除。即使没有删除,搜索引擎也不会有好的排名。 6.长期持久性,内容量大大增加了信息量,因此搜索引擎中的排名会实时变化。今天好的排名可能会在明天消失,所以如果你想获得好的微信公众号推广效果,你需要坚持每天发布信息,而且信息越多越好!