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Social e-commerce: How to establish a competitive barrier for e-commerce in 微信?

2019-07-12 23:03:04 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The supply chain will remain an important barrier. Although the form is different, the essence of社交电商is still retail. After large-scale acquisition of users in the downstream, the upstream supply chain must be able to withstand the growth of both ends. Some people in the industry who have learned a lot about it have said that the model of fighting a lot seems to have a low threshold and easy to copy, but in fact it has accumulated enough deep in the supply chain to ensure the low price of goods on the platform through continuous screening of merchants and economies of scale. Quality clearance. And social e-commerce has more opportunities than mobile e-commerce and offline e-commerce, and it is even more necessary to establish supply chain barriers.


Combined with the white paper, the 小程序 that can rush to the top of the list has the following characteristics:

1) Has a social fission attribute. This kind of social factor 小程序 is suitable for living in the soil of 微信, and the huge social flow of 微信 helps the high-quality social 小程序 to become a market explosion. For example, there is a lot of work, and the mushroom street uses the group to realize the breakout of social e-commerce. For example, the sharing of photo albums through the social scene to achieve low-cost fast access, such as the red envelope traits of 小程序 easily evoke people's desire to forward, so that a good communication effect, to achieve a large number of user growth in a short period of time.

2) Vertical field head. 小程序 for the market segment is also easy to spread. For example, the car category 小程序 has multiple rankings. The user has used 小程序 as an important entry for car selection, car purchase, and car use. Because it belongs to low frequency applications, there is no need to download an app. Early cut-in, the convenience of the 小程序 scene makes it easy to get to the head.

3) High frequency scene wake up. These 沈阳软件 production


xx 场景本身的高频率和原始体验过程都有资源损失,小程序优化解决了许多企业和用户的痛点。例如,KFC小程序解决了等待排队,订购,支付账单,发放优惠券,分析客户消费以及推送基于LBS的信息的问题,例如视频,直播,卡拉OK和其他娱乐场所小程序因为应用程序的特点,给用户娱乐多样性。选择,用户可以通过微信直接与朋友分享有趣的视频,直播等,实现比App更好的通信效果。



