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很多时候在用户看来,扫码这个事情如果不能给他们带来直接的利益,往往是一件徒劳的事情。如果企业给予用户足够多的利益诱导,就会使他们主动去扫码,这个效果比靠二维码来吸引用户效果明显得多。丰谷酒业曾经推出过一次扫码活动,这次扫码给他们带来了丰厚的回报。原来,他们推出的是扫码送金条,把不同的二维码贴在每个产品上,并且把这个活动在各大电视台,报纸,户外广告以及互联网都进行了大规模的宣传,沈阳小程序设计XX After the overwhelming publicity, many users are aware of this activity. The follow-up facts also prove that this event has achieved very good results. The most obvious effect is that the repurchase rate is significantly improved. Many consumers are buying repeatedly, and the final scan rate is 80%. The sales of Fenggu wine industry have brought explosive growth. Of course, not every company can have the temptation to bring such temptation to users. In principle, as long as it can cause the temptation of the user's heart, it is successful. For example, giving a gift to a user is also a very easy way to succeed. Benefits should be best combined with their own 小程序, giving different benefits to different users. For example, 小程序 for young people can be accompanied by some drinks such as Coke and Sprite. For 小程序 for middle-aged and older people, you can give some practical daily necessities. In short, the temptation you give should be of interest to the target user group. For example, when an e-commerce class 小程序 is promoted, it can attract users' attention through some very beautiful small objects, especially for girls, beautiful small things will always make them love, these are not necessities. However, they are also very happy to get the restaurant's 小程序 freely through a scan code. It can be combined with the characteristics of this restaurant, telling the users of the meal, as long as the scan code uses this 小程序, you can enjoy a few discounts, or give a certain Gifts, I believe that for the vast majority of people, they are also very willing to scan the code. Use the interests to attract users, so that they can scan the code. Although this method is more efficient, it requires a certain price for the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises must induce interest within the scope of their capabilities, and the benefits of pushing can attract the attention of users. The process can of course be regarded as the promotion process of 小程序. The more people guide the entrance of 小程序, the better the promotion effect will be obtained by 小程序. From this perspective, the promotion of 小程序 is actually increasing.xx 在小程序刚上线的时候,扫一扫和搜一搜是两个主要入口方式,在后续的发展中,微信官方又增加了一些新的功能,比如,公众号关联,即用户可以在同一个企业的公众号中找到小程序的入口,单击就可以直接使用.微信小程序目前仍处于探索发展期,它的功能也在被不断地扩大,那么在这种情况之下,未来很有可能会出现更多的入口方式。但是可以肯定的是,无论是哪一种入口方式,都可以成为小程序的推广方式.XX