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Some specific services are implemented in a certain domain, so any 小程序 can be decomposed into an interface interaction part and a business logic part, where the business logic is the core of 小程序. The business logic exists inside 小程序. Although it can't directly affect the user, it can communicate with the user through the interface interaction part, so that 小程序 works. 小程序 is a specific service implemented in a certain domain, so any 小程序 can be decomposed into an interface interaction part and a business logic part, where the business logic is the core of 小程序. The business logic exists inside 小程序. Although it can't directly affect the user, it can communicate with the user through the interface interaction part, so that 小程序 works. The responsibilities of the business layer can be understood through specific examples. When the user registers, there will be a mobile phone number, a verification code, a password, and a confirmation password on the registration interface. However, in the interface of the API, there are generally only the first three parameters, and there is no confirmation password. Therefore, it is necessary to check the consistency of the password and the confirmation password before calling the interface. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the data is complete, whether the data is empty, whether the mobile phone number is standardized, etc. After all the checks are confirmed, the API interface can be directly called. After the interface is called, the login interface needs to be called once, and the user's login information is cached, so that the user can automatically log in at the next 汇海. All the above processing activities belong to the business logic processing of 小程序, which is also a typical scenario of the work of the business layer. For example, an e-commerce app, the user wants to click on the purchase when browsing an item. The APP will determine if the user has logged in. If the user is not logged in, the page will jump to the login page, allowing the user to log in and then return to the previous page. Or if the user has logged in, but has expired, then as long as the new token is obtained, the purchase operation behavior can be performed.xx 此示例是关于业务层的工作,它处理业务逻辑内容。从以上两个示例可以看出,业务逻辑是一些功能模块的设计,其可以涉及关键功能和参与者过程。业务逻辑还可以帮助参与者划分角色并帮助开发人员设计小程序业务流程。那么如何使小程序的业务逻辑更加顺畅呢?对于小程序,有必要及时维护其核心业务。任何小程序,其核心业务逻辑和流程都是肯定的,对于某些核心业务流程,往往需要经过某些操作才能确保小程序运行,例如,很多APP都会实现内容更新,很多网站几乎每天都在维护更新。对于这些每日更新的内容,您需要考虑用户的期望和使用习惯。例如,对于某些基于新闻的应用,用户几乎每天都会浏览。用户希望每次都能看到新内容。然后你需要小程序更新更快,更紧凑。无论是APP还是小程序,核心业务将始终进行调整,以更好地满足用户需求。例如,小睡眠小程序为用户提供了多种音效,主要目的是为用户提供安静且易于睡眠的环境。在初始阶段,小睡眠中只有少量催眠声,在发育过程中不断扩大。现在有几十种声音供用户选择。核心功能的持续维护和更新不仅使微信小程序本身变得多样化,而且为用户提供了更多选择,使整个小程序的业务逻辑变得更加平滑,用户体验自然会更好。