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How will artificial intelligence affect digital marketing in 2018?

2019-07-13 01:04:29 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Artificial intelligence is changing the world, so how will artificial intelligence affect数字营销in 2018? Here are some potential areas where AI can greatly advance digital marketing. These possibilities are currently only in the "fetal" stage, but in 2018 it may become a breakthrough in artificial intelligence-driven digital marketing. The next 沈阳汇海 network will share relevant content for everyone.


1. A more personalized user experience

This is the most critical area where artificial intelligence can break through and make a significant impact. Customers are the lifeblood of the company, and content is especially important for marketers. If you can combine content marketing strategies with artificial intelligence, then this will be extraordinary groundbreaking. Based on the collected data (such as customer search, purchase behavior and interests), launch a marketing campaign for customized content. Especially critical, it can be tailored to each customer or potential customer.

Chatbots is another example of using artificial intelligence to enhance the user experience. Chatbots interacts with customers based on the data they receive. Traditional chat rooms and text communication will give way to perceptual multi-dimensional communication systems such as voice and touch. It will provide users with a personalized and holistic experience as if they are talking to conscious humans.

Augmented reality is another application of artificial intelligence. Consumers can see and really feel before actually buying a product, which helps users make decisions; thereby stimulating customers to respond more quickly and ultimately increase revenue.

2. Make decision making easier and easier with predictive marketing

Each time a user browses the Internet, the data required for the analysis of artificial intelligence is continuously generated and collected. These data can be displayed, such as user needs,


xx 行为和未来行动等信息。基于这些信息,市场营销可以被优化以提供最为紧密相连的信息。社交媒体的延伸还揭示了个人信息的前景,使营销人员可以轻松创建有针对性的广告系列。




以前,图像识别仅限于识别图像中的孤立对象。但是使用支持AI的软件,现在可以获得图像的详细描述。亚马逊最新的心血结晶亚马逊Amazon Rekognition已经实现了人脸,情绪和对象的识别。



XX 例如,小吃制造商可以将他们的品牌与社交媒体中的大量照片进行比较,以了解买家的人口统计特征,例如年龄,性别等,以及地理潜力,以了解他们在海滩和公园。此外,它仍然在超市,剧院和其他环境中。这一切都有助于调整营销策略,以最大限度地利用您的投资。





