不断改变营销世界并创造各种可能性,这也带来了很多不确定性。在新时代,人们对即将到来的新一轮营销变革充满期待,他们对此感到担忧。不可否认的是,各行各业和各个领域只能确保市场趋势朝着正确的方向发展。 ~~~
But for digital marketing, this is probably the best time. Don't shout again 4A is dead, regardless of advertising companies, content companies, media platforms, and even technology companies, as brand service providers, we are the denominator of brands and consumers connected to the digital age. Whether it is content marketing, social media marketing including influencer marketing, Internet of Things applications and even AI, the multi-dimensional development of consumer demand and the multiple possibilities of digital brands, it also gives the marketing industry unprecedented opportunities for development, and the current competitive arena is also In the past, the survival of the fittest was emphasized. It is undeniable that digital marketing is the most dynamic segment in the current marketing market transformation. Even in the context of the general tightening of many budgets, the digital marketing market is still growing rapidly. Especially in our Chinese market, the exploration of digital marketing is entering the deep water area.
In such an era, we are all at the crossroads of digital marketing change, and the only constant change is probably only change. This is a reminder that only by constantly maintaining innovation and making changes can we adapt and lead the changes in today's consumer life.
However, with the rapid development of Internet and AI technology innovation, the digital marketing market in 2018 will also undergo more violent changes. TAB will certainly become stronger and stronger, continuously integrate, acquire and optimize platform resources, which will also be extremely The land affects the marketing ecology and pattern. For enterprises and service providers, it is really necessary to be technology-driven, innovation-driven, and growth-driven to better enter 2018.