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Why companies like to use 微信小程序

2019-07-13 01:06:58 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, many companies like to use various publicity channels to promote corporate culture and corporate products. Some of them like 微信小程序 for marketing. So, why do companies like to use 微信小程序 for marketing? Here and everyone

Nowadays, many companies like to use various publicity channels to promote corporate culture and corporate products. Some of them like 微信小程序 for marketing. So, why do companies like to use微信小程序for marketing? Let me explain the problems below.


1. The cost is lower.

Enterprises need to control their own costs when promoting marketing. Just like when a company is doing TV commercials, it needs to spend money from the celebrity endorsement funds and costume props set. You also need to ask a professional camera processing team and other funds. Therefore, in general, the use of marketing methods such as TV advertising is costly and is difficult for some startups to bear. But now there is 微信小程序, the company uses 微信小程序 for product promotion and marketing, the cost is very low. Even small businesses with insufficient funds at the beginning of their business can accept it.

2, a large number of user groups

Why do many companies now like to use 微信小程序 for marketing? Because now 微信 has become a very user-based social 软件. Therefore, now 微信 launched with the marketing nature of 微信小程序 naturally welcomed by the majority of enterprises. According to the statistics 微信沈阳小程序


xx 覆盖 10 亿月活用户,因此企业利用微信小程序进行产品营销更容易触达下沉的人群。






