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Tan Yaye agent system detailed explanation

2019-07-13 02:03:49 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Tan Yaye's agent system, from the initial team of dozens of small team agents to the current large team of tens of thousands of agents, resulting in an agent system, and what kind of charm it has for more and more people Competing to join? Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone details

Tan Yaye's agent system, from the initial team of dozens of small team agents to the current large team of tens of thousands of agents, resulting in an agent system, and what kind of charm it has for more and more people Competing to join? Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone to explain the Tan Yaye agent system.



Tan Baye is a gameplay that completes the agent dividend model; a model that does not sell goods, zero inventory, zero risk, one generation, free training, and a price difference.


Tan Yaye agent conditions threshold: only require each new agent to buy 168 products to try and eat, and the approved products, you can register as an agent.


After becoming an agent, there is an account. The agent can go to the Tan Baye platform by the account itself, so no matter if you are a few agents, you get the same price, the national uniform agent price, there is no intermediate agent to make the difference.


1. The difference between the agent price and the retail price

2, the agent dividend method is drawn


1.0 Investment, no threshold, no agency fees, first you have to sell products, you must know the characteristics of the product.

2 . 0 goods, 0 pressure.

3.0 risk, quick start.

4. Transparent management.

xx 5.没有区别,代理商具有统一的代理商价格,没有中间代理商有所作为。



8.“Tan Baye”是一种快速消费品,具有较高的回购率,可供男性,女性和儿童以及大型消费群体食用。

9.“Tan Baye”有一个特殊的订购平台,易于操作。个人销售,团队销售,个人奖金,团队奖金,一目了然。







汇海 Tan Baye分销模式,采用现金返还方式,鼓励用户积极分割新用户注意和消费,达到拉动新客户的效果。有关Tan Yaye的更多信息,请关注微信公共号码:汇海(ID:xtz170315)和汇海官方网站。


