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The five real values of open friend circle advertising 小程序

2019-07-13 11:44:30 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the user base reaching one billion in recent years, based on such a large user base, a large number of advertisements have poured in. Starting from the 微信 circle of friends, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of 微信朋友圈广告development, in order to better expand the development space of 微信 advertising. Next, the 沈阳汇海 network will share the relevant content of the five actual values of 小程序 in the circle of friends, and hope to bring some help to everyone.


1. The landing pages of previous friends' circle advertisements are posters, videos, public numbers and app download pages. It can be said that every landing page is quite tasteless. For posters, videos, and public accounts, after reading, Can't find it anymore, far away from the conversion users, so the friend circle ads are only available on the brand promotion that doesn't see any result conversions. 沈阳软件production



And 小程序 has been proved that the biggest value is the extremely high conversion rate, and the high user retention, is the best channel for the most natural conversion customers, so 小程序 can be said that it is possible to put a lot of merchants into the circle of friends. Also further stimulated a large number of merchants to create their own 小程序.

2, a large number of friends circle advertising service providers need to provide customers with 小程序 website construction services, so will passively flood into the 小程序 website, further activate the establishment of 30 million businesses to 小程序 3

xx 3.让朋友的广告圈从金字塔顶层的金融,游戏,百货商店和世界500强转变为大众市场餐饮,教育培训,家居建材,上潮等群众。市场业务。即使是快餐店和小卖部也将在未来。通常会放置小程序广告。




