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How to improve the active quantity of 微信 public number operation?

2019-07-13 11:54:59 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the continuous development of the mobile Internet market, 微信 becomes the most popular social 软件 in social 软件, facing such a large mobile market微信公众号运营How to increase the user's active volume? Generally speaking, a fan to the public number Concerned, the love period is about three months. A 微信 public number will be in a downturn after two months and three months of operation. At this time, we will do 微信 marketing, and do 微信 operation, we must play your planning ability. Now, the staff of our 微信 public account is often too much work in terms of editing, but there is too little work on planning. Today, 沈阳汇海 network will share with you the 微信 public number operation how to improve the amount of active content, I hope to be able to solve for everyone.


When the public number is in a certain stage, we must consider how to iterate? How to inspire the enthusiasm of the fans again? Let them rekindle the enthusiasm for our public number. When our public number entered the trough, it was not active, and the reading volume could not go up. Our editors have to think about ways to activate these fans who are already asleep.

There are a lot of interactive features on the public account, and these interactive features are also a means. For example, in the original message section, for example, at the end of the article, such as we engage in some activities for lottery, etc. we can all consider and plan. Through these plans and activities, the fans will be activated again. Because fans are not activated, they are zombies. Even if the platform has millions of fans, there is actually not much value because there are too few active fans.

xx 上次有一家大报,他的公共账号只有15,000,但他告诉我他的粉丝超过一百万,但阅读量超过10,000,粉丝已成为僵尸。这种情况是我们应该注意的。通常,操作的公共号码必须连续激活和激活。





所以你会看到像华为这样的公共号码。他的阅读量实际上并不高。 IBM的阅读量并不高。它通常有一两千的读数,但我们知道它们都属于世界级超级大国。公司,从我们的角度来看,他们的流量似乎很小,但我们应该知道这些大品牌流量的质量,他的价值相当高。


