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Distribution 小程序 mall development costs, how to do budget evaluation

2019-07-13 13:15:02 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信小程序 requires the builder to build on the officially open interface permissions of 微信, which means that if we want to build our own 微信小程序, we need to have a person who understands the corresponding construction technology to customize it for a period of time 沈阳小程序


Specially built. Then want to be clear about a

微信小程序 requires the builder to build on the officially open interface permissions of 微信, which means that if we want to build our own 微信小程序, we need to have a person who understands the corresponding construction technology to build it for a while.


So how much does it cost to make a 微信小程序 mall? Need to know what channels to do 微信小程序, which companies will develop the mall 小程序.

Co-developing the team difference of 微信 mall

Select 小程序 development team will find that the same mall in time, the functional interface is the same, but the quotation of different teams will also be different. When the merchants understand, they must choose a team with relatively high cost performance, so that the construction of the mall can be perfect with the lowest cost.

微信 mall features different, development costs will be different

xx To develop the cost budget of 小程序 mall, generally cooperate with the professional technical team. The technical team will make the expected expenses according to the functional requirements of the mall. The more complex the function, the higher the natural investment cost will be. After all, when the function is added There are some differences in the programs that need to be set up, including a lot of information content. The malls with more functions will be more difficult to develop. Merchants can choose different functions according to the characteristics of their products. After adding these functions to the mall, the promotion of the product can be effectively assisted. This requires us to clarify the functions required by the mall before the technical team can give this budget.



