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Several steps created by 微信 mall

2019-07-13 13:41:09 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

For things like shopping malls, it can be said that many female friends like it, but with the continuous advancement of technology, the way of shopping in the mall has also undergone tremendous changes. Now, on our mobile phones, we can achieve without leaving home. The purpose of shopping malls, followed by micro

For things like shopping malls, it can be said that many female friends like it, but with the continuous advancement of technology, the way of shopping in the mall has also undergone tremendous changes. Now, on our mobile phones, we can achieve without leaving home. The purpose of shopping malls, followed by 微信 Mall appeared in our lives. Then, for the way to create 微信 mall, I believe that more friends are not familiar enough, which affects the efficiency of shopping malls, 沈阳软件 design


Here, we will talk about the method created by微信商城, which is basically the following steps.


The first step, apply for the public number

For such a friend, I believe that the current mobile phone friends are no strangers, because nowadays many programs in the mobile phone need to apply for a public number first, 微信 mall also follows the familiar rules of everyone, so the first The step is to apply for a 微信 mall.

The second step, certification [

Such a step, if you are a consumer familiar with mobile phones, is also familiar. The content of the certification is the certification of the 微信 service number of the application. Only after obtaining the certification of the platform can the program be entered into the following program.

The third step, the right to apply for payment

This step is also a more critical step, and the payment authority mentioned here is of course the payment authority of the above 微信 service number. Without this step, you can't make shopping.

xx 微信商城的最后一步是选择第三方微信商城开发平台,只有经过第三方许可后,才能创建完整的微信商城才能使用。


