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微信小程序 mall and 微信 mall the same thing?

2019-07-13 16:56:13 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Many users who want to conduct social marketing, from the search engine to search 微信 mall, there will be 微信小程序 mall and 微信 mall, then 微信 mall and 微信小程序 mall is the same? Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone analysis, 微信小程序 mall and

Many users who want to conduct social marketing, from the search engine to search 微信 mall, there will be 微信小程序 mall and 微信 mall, then 微信 mall and 微信小程序 mall is the same? Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone analysis, 微信小程序商城and 微信 mall difference.



微信 mall: Open 微信 → click on the address book → select the public number → click on the bottom menu of the public number to enter. The 微信 mall is opened by opening the bottom menu of 微信 public number access.

微信小程序 mall has more open paths, there are two common types:

1. Open 微信 → click on the discovery → select 小程序 → near 小程序 or have used 小程序 to record or search.

2. Open 微信 and slide down to 小程序.

Now the 小程序 mall entrance 沈阳软件 is made


xx There are already more than 60, which is actually not very meaningful for ordinary users, and the entrances that are often opened are still a few.


微信小程序 Mall has a near-original APP experience, and does not need to be installed, registered and uninstalled, not to mention separate development for different application systems, all mobile phones can be used, loading faster, and the experience is smoother. At this point, it is also the original intention of 微信 development 小程序 application. For users, it is really simple, rude, and easy to spread.


微信小程序 mall user traffic acquisition is mainly online fission propagation and offline traffic import. The ways of online fission transmission are: 微信 group recommendation, friend circle poster sharing. Offline traffic import: physical stores, product packaging, and more. This is the way customers get used frequently by merchants.

The user acquisition of 微信 mall is mainly dependent on the fan operation of 微信 public number. For example, by constantly pushing articles or conducting related activities to pay attention to the 微信 public number, and then converting the fans into users, the user source method is relatively simple and the cost is relatively high.


The original intention of 微信小程序 is to go. The user keeps on, 小程序 saves the browsing record, there are other channels such as 微信 top.

On the contrary, 微信 mall needs to pay attention to the public number before it can be used. If you pay attention to the public number, the operator can establish a secondary contact through the promotion of some promotional activities.

xx 汇海微信 mall system, using the traffic and bonus advantages of 微信 billion users, adopted the promotion commission, distribution commission two cashback methods, encourage users to spontaneously become distributors to help the mall promotion, fissile new users pay attention to and consume, to achieve new promotion, The effect of pushing customers.

For more information on the fission operation of the微信商城system, please pay attention to the public number 微信: 汇海 (ID: xtz170315) and 汇海 official website.



