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Tan Baye bonus mode detailed

2019-07-13 17:37:33 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The profit of Tan Baye's products ranges from a few to a dozen, and all the agents are the same price. Agents can't change them at will. Its profit is not high, mainly through bonuses to get commissions, although many people apply this. Kind of bonus mode, but some people don't know much about it

The profit of Tan Baye's products ranges from a few to a dozen, and all the agents are the same price. Agents can't change them at will. Its profit is not high, mainly through bonuses to get commissions, although many people apply this. There are some bonus modes, but some people don't know much about its principle. Let's analyze the bonus mode of the Tan Eight Lords in the following 汇海.


Tan Baye’s commission is not high at first, as long as the sales volume is higher, the corresponding commission will be higher. How should the commission be understood?

For example, if you are a team leader, your team has 3 agents, plus you have a total of 4 people. The sales per person of these 4 people is 10,000 yuan, a total of 40,000 yuan, and Tan Baye will have 14% rebate. That is 5,600 yuan. The sales of the three agents are 10,000 yuan, the rebate is 7%, which is 700 yuan, and the three people are 2,100 yuan. That is, you will have a commission of 5600-2100=3500 yuan this month.

If your team has 3 agents, 3 agents have a sales of 10,000 yuan, you have no sales, a total of 30,000 yuan, Tan Baye will have a 12% rebate, which is 3,600 yuan. The sales of the three agents are 10,000 yuan, the rebate is 7%, which is 700 yuan, and the three people are 2,100 yuan. That is, you will have a commission of 3600-2100=1500 yuan this month.

If you don't have a team, you only sell 10,000 yuan a month, and your achievement is only 700 yuan.

xx 如果你有一个团队,你可以获得3500元的佣金。如果您的团队没有销售,您可以获得1500元的佣金。没有团队,你只需要700元的佣金。





汇海 Tan Baye分布模式,基于微信开发,使用10亿微信用户进行促销代理,通过激励措施鼓励用户自发成为推广代理商,通过促进裂变促进新用户实现新推广,推动客户推广。想进一步了解Tan Baye 软件 customization


For information on distribution models, please pay attention to 微信 public number: 汇海 (ID: xtz170315) and 汇海 official website.xx


