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2019-07-13 17:41:32 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发









XX When applying and registering 小程序, we definitely don't have to pay, but if you want to put your own 小程序 into 微信 for 微信 users, this needs to be verified by uploading, and this authentication is to be The fee is usually 300 yuan. Some people will not understand why the 小程序 certification is charged, because once we put our 小程序 in 微信小程序, we can sell different values through 小程序, so 微信小程序 itself is a platform that can provide us with profit. At the time of certification, we should pay attention to it. If you use 小程序 to open a store, you will have different quotations according to different types and functions. Now the market price is still chaotic, and the price difference between them is huge, so it is recommended to develop it for more professional technicians.

小程序 Make money?

The emergence of any kind of thing must have its own value, and the valuable 小程序 definitely earns money, which is unquestionable. 微信 is provided to many development platforms such as 小程序. As long as 小程序 developed by the company or individual has certain value, it can become a project that the audience is willing to spend, so that it can naturally achieve profitability, so 小程序 can earn money according to the individual. Or the value of this 小程序 developed by the company.



