Affected by power, is it legal to use three-level distribution in micro-market distribution?
Is it legal to distribute the application of the three-level distribution model? This is the most concerned thing for many business operators operating the 微信 mall. Because many people see the Quan Jian event, it will APP软件
Think of the previous Pond's, the first reaction distribution will be suspected of pyramid schemes? The word pyramid scheme has brought people a very serious adverse effect, and also affects people's understanding of micro-market distribution. Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone to talk about, micro-market distribution using three-level distribution is legal?
1. On May 7, 2010,《最高人民检察院、公安部关于公安机关管辖的刑事案件立案追诉标准的规定(二)》was released. It is also in this law that the first time there was a “three-level” expression, that is, “the number of MLM personnel suspected of organizing and leading in 30 people” If the above level is above the third level, the organizer and the leader shall file a case for prosecution.
2.《关于办理组织领导传销活动刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》defines this, which stipulates “the calculation of the number of people and the number of levels within the MLM organization, as well as the calculation of the number and level of personnel involved in the MLM activities directly or indirectly by the organizer or leader, including the organizer. "The leader himself and his level", although the pyramid scheme does not necessarily constitute a crime, but can still be referenced according to this clause, the clause clarifies "including the organizer, the leader himself and his level", In the vernacular point, if the "I" level is used as the "organizer, leader", then the third level consists of "I", "level one" and "second level". If "third level" is added, it belongs to four. Level distribution.
xx 3,中国《禁止传销条例》不能说只要不超过三个级别,就没有问题,因为金字塔方案的定义并没有说“三级”是金字塔方案的必要组成部分之一,事实上,只有“三”以上只是犯罪行为的必要但不充分的条件。未能构成“三级”通常不构成犯罪。如果它不构成“三个层次”,但它符合金字塔计划,它仍然要承担法律责任。