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微信 three-level distribution mall source code custom power distribution mode see which

2019-07-13 18:15:17 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The three-level distribution system is mainly for distribution. The common distribution modes are: supplier mode and regional agent mode. Most of the 微信 three-level distribution mall source customization functions are: group, spike, bargain, point redemption, discount Promotions such as coupons, full reduction, lottery, etc.

The three-level distribution system is mainly for distribution. The common distribution modes are: supplier mode and regional agent mode. Most of the 微信 three-level distribution mall source customization functions are: group, spike, bargain, point redemption, discount Promotional features such as coupons, full reduction, and lottery. The three-level distribution system can support the public number + APP + 小程序 + computer PC version + mobile version of the multi-network.




Suppliers can promote their fans as distributors of distribution malls on the 微信 public number, such as developing fan A distributors, distributors A can develop customer groups as distributors B, and peers B can also develop customer groups for distribution. Business C, it is not legal to go to this step, and continue to develop is similar to pyramid schemes. E.g. Distributor C has an order. The money paid by the consumer is directly credited to the supplier. The supplier will ship the goods after receiving the money, and at the same time, the rebate will be given to the third-level distributors A, B, and C. The rebate ratio is self-provided by the supplier himself. Definition 沈阳小程序 production




xx 分销代理级别分为四个级别:区域代理——省级代理——城市代理——区域代理,区域代理级别升级必须达到要升级的总部最小消费量,分配商城运营商打开区域后代理模式,当代理在相应级别申请区域代理时,平台运营商需要审查并将该区域分配给发起人。 “总佣金”是指平台愿意用作分销激励的产品的总利润。团队订单的数量是指发起人的利益。三个级别内的订单数量,促销人员达到升级条件,然后是个人中心申请。商人然后分配其区域。


