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2019-03-24 08:02:01 来源:沈阳软件公司 作者:沈阳软件开发

The TestFlight app allows testers to install and beta test apps on ios, tvOS and watchOS devices. Testers must receive an invite directly from a developer first before they can begin testing with TestFlight. Once invited, testers can redeem invitations in TestFlight to install, test, send valuable feedback, and get updates for the beta app. *Note: TestFlight itself does not allow for discovery of beta apps.To start testing:• All the app developer needs is your email address to send you an invitation• Then accept the invitation either in the TestFlight iOS app oapp开发

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r with a redemption code found via a link in the beta invitation• Once accepted you can install the prerelease build• The TestFlight app will notify you when new builds are available• To update to the latest build, simply tap UpdateDevelopers can invite TestFlight Beta Testers on the iTunes Connect website:• Create a version of your app and upload new builds• Choose which prerelease version of your app you wish to release to testers• Invite new testers by simply providing their email address


