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2019-03-23 16:18:59 来源:沈阳软件公司 作者:沈阳软件开发







导入Microsoft Office Excel文件数据

为了简化导入数据的过程,我们现在提供了直接从Microsoft Office Excel导入数据的选项。您可以使用此选项引入一个新的point geography,或添加数据集到到您SpaceStat项目中的现有的地域(geographies )。



地图/图形菜单现在包括一个选项,复制一个给定的图形或地图映射到剪贴板,以便您可以将其粘贴到文字处理或演示文件中(例如,Microsoft PowerPoint),可以在不同的软件程序中打开。您可以使用Edit菜单上的复制选项来对表格执行类似的功能,直接复制表格到Microsoft Excel表格中。



SpaceStat Overview

StaceStatallows you to view the data in your project, display these data in maps andgraphs, and to perform statistics to evaluate spatial patterns. What makes thissoftware unique is that it is a space-time information system. In StaceStat,time is a dimension of the data, rather than an attribute linked to each objectin the dataset.  Thus, almost all viewsof the data can be animated, from maps to histograms to tables. But,StaceStat  does more than just animateyour data, it allows you to make statistical inferences about patterns in thedata as well. StaceStat allows you to view, interact with and statisticallyanalyze your space-time data so that you can make informed decisions.

Overthe past year, we have added powerful new tools for manipulating data andperforming statistical analyses, including several which are not available inany other software package.  In addition,we have improved data import by adding the option to import geographies orattribute data directly from Microsoft Office Excel files, and made it easy tocopy graphs or maps from SpaceStat and paste them into other programs.  Here we provide an overview of the featureswe have availble in SpaceStat.

Regression tools

Althoughcertainly not unique to SpaceStat, aspatial regression tools, including linear,Poisson, and logistic regression allow you to go from spatio-temporal dataexploration to model building within one software package.  In addition to the "simple" formsof these regression tools, SpaceStat also allows you to use model buildingtools such as best subset, and forward and backward stepwise regression.  All of these tools can be applied to datasetsthat encompass multiple times, which allows you to quickly evaluate how modelfit and other parameters change over time.

InSpaceStat, you can also perform geographically-weighted regression (local, ratherthan global regression analyses); as with aspatial regression, your GWR modelscan have a linear, Poisson, or logistic form.

UsingSpaceStat, you can not only build both spatial and aspatial models, you can runmodels developed using one method (i.e., as an aspatial linear model) inanother form (i.e., aspatial Poisson, or linear GWR), and use our wealth ofdata exploration tools to explore how this change in tools influences theresults of your analysis over all of the time periods in your datasets.

Improved Disparity Statistics


