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What factors should be considered in the design of the e-commerce APP interface?

2019-07-10 10:07:19 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Good interface design is not only pleasing to the eye, but also can guide the user to get the desired information in the shortest time. So, how to design the interface of travel e-commerce APP软件? What factors should I consider?


Tourism e-commerce APP软件 interface design has no other skills, empathy, from the user's point of view, to ensure that the interface theme style, font size, delivery have catered to user preferences. As for the factors to be considered in the development of tourism e-commerce APP, you can refer to these points. 1. Highlights Each product has its own advantages. Each product has its own highlights. During development, it can focus on highlighting it, so that users are directly attracted to the reading, thus ignoring the complex interference factors. 2, the protection design is clear and clear, the interface design must be clear and clear, so that users can feel where they are and where they want to go. Nowadays, many designs do not follow the rules and specifications, and the style and layout are disorganized, causing users to get lost in the frequent product pages, so enjoy not making 软件


xx 愉快的用户体验。 3,减少用户等待时间无论你打开旅行电子商务APP软件还是从一个页面跳到另一个页面,记住不要让用户等待很长时间,即使你必须等待,你应该及时给出提示,让知道具体情况。今天的用户不那么耐心,当他们对产品心情不好时,他们基本上不会光顾,所以一定要注意。 4,异常保护的出现可以回到目前市场,很多手机在使用过程中软件,如果出现异常情况,你只能退出,然后重新进入,说实话,这个经验是真的不太好,这是浪费时间。因此,小编建议在设计时特别注意异常状态的设计,以确保即使出现异常情况,用户也可以返回上一步。此外,在设计旅行电子商务APP软件时,我们必须注意可控按钮的大小,以避免操作错误。


