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APP development company: What are the main costs of APP development?

2019-07-11 09:13:34 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

When people develop apps, they are like people shopping in APP软件开发


On the one hand, it pays attention to the quality of APP products, on the other hand, it pays attention to the price of products. What are the main costs of APP development? Because the product has a clear price tag at the time of purchase, the price is clear, but the APP development and the production of 软件 are relatively unfamiliar, and the development price is incomprehensible. The following APP development company explains the cost of the APP development.



app开发的系统选择:The mainstream mobile phone system currently used in the market is mainly Android system and Apple iOS system. In order to better satisfy most of the use, Android system and Apple system are necessary when developing APP, and some enterprises want to display the demand. Still need to develop PC side 网站. System selection is the choice of quantity. The development price of each system is different. The dual system is always more expensive than the single system development, so this is the APP development price.

APP制作的模式选择:The same APP development may have different prices for users to obtain quotes. In fact, you also need to know that APP development also has different development modes, such as common template development and custom development. The price of both is The difference will be very far, the template development will be cheaper in price, in the absence of secondary development, the function can not be modified basically, and the development of the enterprise is limited. But the custom development will be different, the development of the function and the production is customized according to the user's needs, whether it is the later upgrade development, timely adjustment of functions according to market demand, these are no problem.

xx app开发的功能效果:实际上,功能主要从两个方面影响开发价格,一方面是功能的数量,另一方面是功能的难度效应。功能的数量,就像你买车一样,零件不同,跑车的自动化部件会更多,这些东西也带来更好的驾驶体验,功能差异更大,全数字化操作和机械化操作,感觉是不同的。因此,app开发是一样的,具有很多功能,全效和酷,所以功能的性能会有所不同,所以这就是APP价格的体现。




